COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

The CBC keeps referring to Canada’s chief public health officer, a Federal civil servant, as “Canada’s top doctor” like she’s the CEO of all doctors in Canada or something. It’s really weird.

That was the intent, but not how things usually are.

The statement also ended up being untrue by a lot

Yeah there’s no way that’s legal. Not sure how the court works in Australia there but lawyers should be filing a motion for a preliminary injunction yesterday.

Even Trump didn’t ban American citizens in his Europe ban. Though his poor communication skills made it sound like he did.

Czech government will run out of antigen tests for students as of next Friday.

PM claims he’ll switch to PCR tests but that’s bullshit. He would’ve used PCR tests to begin with if he wanted them.

So yeah more mishandling of the pandemic from a country that was once the hardest hit country in the world.

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We need to just admit that “vaccine hesitant” just means “too ignorant to make a decision” and simply force people to be vaccinated under penalty fo law.

I am pretty small-L libertarian and would oppose forced vaccination but I’d be totally fine with hardcore ostracism measures. first of all, make em jump through a billion hoops to vote if they’re not vaxxed. then move on to stuff like kids can’t go back to in-person school unless the parents are vaxxed.


Drivers license contingent on vaccination.

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Beer drinking and sports viewing contingent on vaccination.

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Tying vaccination to voting would be the ultimate lol.


As I go on my runs maskless I wonder if the people who see me think I’m an anti-masker. I, in turn, wonder if they’re anti-vaxxers.

Getting coffee now and there’s someone here, outside, with a full P100 respirator on.


Uhh…pretend this is a chess match and think one move ahead.

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Yeah, this.

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if you choose to go unvaccinated, then install a contact-tracker on your phone (or wear a bracelet) that cannot be turned off, do weekly testing, submit to quarantine on every positive exposure. possibly be liable if you infect someone else and they die.

What is the difference between imposing all this and just imposing the vaccine?

the illusion of choice

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There is a law against this?

Sure, but if you’re not selling, you should be able to butcher as much as you like and then some.

That works well, since I find it equally surprising. It’s illegal to fish for those? Are they endangered or something?

Roughly 8 fold in 30 days. That’s a 10 day doubling time. Yowza.