COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Higher prevalence than say blood clots with AZ means it should become a thing. Seems to be affecting mainly 30yr old males - not many of those vaccinated worldwide - only place they are vaccinated enough for anything like a sample size (Israel) found it important enough to release details - probably a nothingburger though


No, thatā€™s not how it works.

The US Military are keeping an eye on it - seems to be more Moderna than Pfizer (14 to 3). Mainly after 2nd jab.

And that shit he said still wasnā€™t as dumb as his decisions to welcome UFC fans to ā€œThe Machida Eraā€.

Joe Rogan always uses the ā€œIā€™m an idiotā€ defense to avoid accountability for saying stupid shit. Itā€™s such a bullshit copout. For stand-up, itā€™s fine to use and even makes jokes funny (see Bill Burr). For medical advice during a pandemic, itā€™s bad.

Rogan is basically Oprah for men and he does have that degree of influence. Heā€™s being willfully ignorant of that because itā€™s convenient for him. This will not be the first time this happens because Joe Rogan has made a living speaking authoritatively about things he knows nothing about and he ainā€™t gonna stop now.


Things are improving at a pretty slow pace in the Czech Republic. A bunch of stores are opening and some grades are going back to school.

Cases per 100,000 in the previous 7 days needs to drop below 100 before more opening can be done aside from whatā€™s already planned. Theyā€™re at 141 across the country but 110 in Prague.

Reproduction rate still hanging around 0.8. I really wish we were competent enough to do things like this a year ago. Life would have been much easier.


Based upon what?

This is hot garbage.

Nah, come on.

Iā€™d be very hesitant about that, thereā€™s generally no such thing as ā€œtop ICU docā€, although I canā€™t say Iā€™m familiar with Tampaā€™s system

I donā€™t think thatā€™s the important part of the tweet.

Thatā€™s an important observation coming from just about any non-hack ICU doc.

Then why put in ā€œtop icu docā€? It undermines the credibility of the reporter to me. It may be true but it just doesnā€™t feel quite right

Iā€™m struggling to get too upset over a bunch of 50-year-old goateed morons with wraparound shades who refuse to get vaccinated.

But the doctors and nurses donā€™t need to go through that shit. And Iā€™m sure a lot of them have decent kids who donā€™t need to lose a parent.

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ā€œMostlyā€ is probably an exaggeration. But the ratio does seem to be skewing younger.

January in FL:


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Newspapers and stuff like 60 Minutes need to be finding and interviewing the kids of these people who refused the vaxx and died.

Yeah, I agree the reporter is probably just bullshitting that part.

On the other hand, I donā€™t doubt the direct quote.

So as long as it came from some competent ICU doc, the credibility problem (wrt ā€œtop ICU docā€) is less important in this particular instance.

Based on the first and only head to head study to date - maybe you missed the post

Itā€™s a king of the hill system where if you kill the top ER doc you take over.


Oz leading the way to the bottom

The travel ban preventing Australians in India from returning home could be subject to legal challenges, with lawyers and academics believing the extraordinary measure may breach the law.

Scott Morrisonā€™s government has been condemned for its ā€œoutrageousā€ decision to introduce fines of up to $66,600 or five years in prison, or both, for anyone defying a travel ban preventing Australians returning home from India.

The travel ban officially begins on Monday, in what is believed to be the first time Australia has banned its own citizens from returning home.


this is a weird thing to get hung up on imo

when I read it, I didnā€™t take it to imply some sort of hierarchy, just to mean a guy who is well known and well regarded and has been in the job a long time. The use of ā€œmaybeā€ there clearly implies itā€™s not some sort of official title.