COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Amateur. 16 hours round trip and then I flew on a goddamn airplane.

But it all pays off tomorrow when I get my hands on the new granddaughter. If I wait for PA I’d be betting my second shot next week.


Alberta headed further into lockdown. Fucking fuck.

Shows how much you know, I’m even dumber than that.

I guess the silver lining there is that you don’t have to interact with Albertans.


You’re the real racist for bringing up race. Chessmate libtard.


Alberta is lapping everybody. Currently 7DMA is 50% higher than Ontario, higher than every US state except Michigan, and unlike everywhere else is still trending up. Most states and provinces are at least heading in the right direction. Alberta is not.

Why is he a piece of shit? Is it the he should be a role model argument? I don’t think what he is saying is that reckless.

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I don’t see how its a “different conversation”. Whether you get it to protect yourself, or to protect others, isn’t the bottom line the same? I’d say if you can get the vaccine, you should get it.

What if you dont think that you’re supposed to give a shit about other people?

Not after the first dose only, which is what you seemed to be enquiring about. I seem to remeber almost no T-Cell activation in Pfizer after first dose whereas this was evident in AZ patients after first dose.


Man you’d think you’d be reading a bit more carefully if you’re going to throw around some bullshit like “yawn” like that. Your article doesn’t differentiate between Pfizer and AZ. Clueless is apt.

Now, it could be that there’s some bad scientific journalism here, but no other article says one is better than the other and I couldn’t find the original paper in <3 minutes, which is about what I’m willing to spend on your nonsense today. Hell, even if your misreading was true it wouldn’t actually prove one was better than the other.

Your article specific says it doesn’t apply after <2 weeks as well.

Your jingoism is hilarious tbh. Why you care is beyond me.

Pfiz and Moderna are the most effective last I heard.

Can’t even say that really, as they went up against different controls.

His pushing anti vax nonsense while he pushes massive amounts of insane and untested supplements from a company he secretly owns and then when received backlash takes a stupid “That’s a different conversation.”

Your whole claim to podcast fame is having three hour conversations, who the fuck has time for a different one?

He has been on the wrong side of pretty much every Covid issue from jump and remains there.

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You mean prideful ignorance mixed with superficial notions of Ruggedly Individualistic Real Men isn’t the solution to complex social problems? I dont believe you.


Where did you get the “visual representation of everything wrong with this country” map?

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I think I’m about as close to an anti-vaxxer as you may find on here. I’d say my official stance would have been if I had had confirmed COVID (never did), then I would not have gotten the vaccine immediately if I had the opportunity in December (or whenever it was first available, maybe November), but I definitely would have gotten it by now. I’m also good with all other recommended vaccines.

Do I get at least partial antivaxx credit for that?

A couple of weeks late to the game…

The Level 4 “do not travel” advisory is the highest of its kind issued by the Department of State.

No B1.617 (detected by 10/4 anyway) yet…