COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Anecdote, but interesting.

He’s also a good poker player (and programmer, and author of a book on public opinion, entrepreneur, and a generally smart guy).

Joe Manchin is GOAT SENATOR!

As long as when the virus continues to mutate and we need boosters to fight it, those already vaccinated should receive priority over those who chose not to get vaccinated initially. (Once everyone has been given the opportunity)

None with AZ until 10 days minimum (same with Pfizer FWIW). Good news is, with Canada copying the UK with 12 week between 1st and 2nd, you’re better protected than if you had Pfizer (on the same regime)

I thought AZ was less effective than Moderna or Pfizer?

I would have guess way higher. 92% compliance is absurdly good.

Churchill is clueless.


And reality is probably even better than that since that number may miss people like me–I got a first shot at Walgreen’s and canceled my second because I found a closer shot to me at a CVS.

It is based on canceled or missed appointments across the country, but “if a person received the two doses from different reporting entities, those two doses may not have been linked together,” a CDC spokesperson told CNN.

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True but not everybody was able to make a second appointment immediately after the first. So, how many people got their first shot but never scheduled a second shot?

I didn’t know you could do that. I drove 4 hours round trip twice like a sucker. This is what I get for turning into a rules following square in my 30’s.

%-age of population with at least one vaccine dose

  • 43.3% in my country
  • 47.1% in my state
  • 55.5% in my county
  • 60% in my zip code

Herd immunity here we come!

As of this afternoon, got to update my vote to got 2nd shot less than two weeks ago.


Does your kid’s girlfriend’s mother post as Luc.kbo.x over on 22? The elites are not “the Jews.” They’re the people behind the media conglomerates controlling what we see and think who JUST HAPPEN to be frequently Jewish. It’s totally, totally different from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.


So had Pfizer #2 yesterday at 2pm. 27 hours later, not a single symptom, arm barely sore, it was at least a little sore the first time. The jab itself hurt a tiny bit this time actually, but idk. Is my immune system ded or something, I was hoping for a slight fever at least.


I would interpret is as your immune system is smarter. The immune systems of the people with the symptoms are like "What is this new information? Start the Fires! Release the Kraken! " and your immune system was like “yeah, I can read. Calm down. This shit is pretty easy to understand”.


Lol @ people on this forum shying away from voicing an opinion because they might get attacked for it. Also, I legitimately don’t think anyone on this forum is that stupid.

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@Heritagenothate ?

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Loockbox has to be up there for WOAT 2+2 poster, which is quite an accomplishment. Remember that time he got into an argument with someone who’s friend died in columbine? About how Columbine was a hoax? And wasn’t banned? Good times.


The second part of my statement is true then. If you are consuming media on this board, you are not an anti-vaxxer.