COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Lol, someone send this to @NateSilver538

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Well thatā€™s some surprisingly good news, but pay attention to how they worded the question vs how people are consuming this news. I doubt people are getting the full story laid out so clearly when they read some Fox News clickbait article.

Actually pretty dire when you consider that this is, at least in part, a proxy question for ā€œhave you/are you getting the vaccine?ā€


Most of the time Iā€™m depressed about how awful humans are, but then I think that nobody has murdered Tucker Carlson, which is pretty strong evidence that we are inherently decent.




The Internet doesnā€™t have enough advocacy of punching Tucker Carlson in the face.


Republicans are a superstitious, cowardly lot.

Right on cue.

I think thereā€™s definitely been a historical underrepresentation of demagogues hanging from lampposts.

Like 400M guns in america and it mainly gets us suicides and robberies. Sad.

Even Madoff died of natural causes.

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I mean, Iā€™m not advocating murdering Carlson, just punching him in the face.

Even if I wanted him dead, Iā€™d still want him to live long enough to be replaced. However, I do wonder if him being ousted from his perch at FoxNews would lead to him running for president if it happens at the right time. He could build a coalition of anti-tax Republicans, resentful racist whites, anti-maskers, anti-vaxxers, and anti-establishmentarians. So, Trumpers, plus conservative non-Trumpers who can tolerate Trumpers, plus apolitical types who were pissed off at being forced to wear a mask.

Spanish flu killed kids right and left. It was definitely a different profile than this.

Please find those sources. 50 million people worldwide out of a world population of 1.8 billion seems pretty deadly regardless of medical advances.

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Itā€™s all in his head clearly.

Or maybe we retreat to ā€œWell yeah but heā€™s an athlete. Normal people donā€™t have to worry about whateverā€™s ailing him. Permanent lung scarring is nothing to worry about. I scarred my lungs just for fun. I love it. Just stay on the couch like a good fattie and donā€™t whine that you canā€™t hike up mountains anymore.ā€

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1918 flu did not go away. it hit the world with 4 waves before mutating into a less dangerous seasonal flu. which is still present.

Different profile isnā€™t quite right. Itā€™s likely that older generations had exposure to a similar virus that provided some level of protection from previous flu pandemics (maybe one in 1890). Itā€™s unlikely that something in the flu specifically targeted young adults.

Also, the war makes things more complicated, as more young adults were in war, impoverished, etc than usual.

This says 3 waves over a 12 month period.

But yeah I guess it mutated and stuck around. If covid mutates to something less severe we might not even notice it. Except for the lung scarring, but again - thatā€™s fun and no big deal, everyone should do it.

Anti-vaxxers get the lung scarring, which they donā€™t believe anyway. We donā€™t. Life moves on. Hopefully.

i obviously just read the headline

fwiw, not every country was hit by each wave.

I posted some upthread. Remember that 1918 was decades before we even discovered antibiotics. People died of secondary bacterial infections because hospitals were dirty, etc.

Nah flu, unlike covid, is known for causing secondary bacterial infections, especially staph.