COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

This is not a plausible hypothesis.

Are the crazies still standing with Israel?

Anytime a new study comes out about COVID that doesn’t pass the smell test, the right response is always to view it with a healthy dose of skepticism and their results should be independently verified.

Because this contradicts the almost 2 years worth of data we have now, there is no need to add this to our knowledge base of how COVID infects and mutates.

Occam’s Razor

  1. A deadly virus somehow infected a large population of people in a country 1000s of miles from where all other evidence shows it came from 2 months before the first known infection. These people presumably did not show any symptoms or die. Those infections somehow went undetected for almost 2 years until a team of researches decided to antibody tests on tissue samples and got tons of positives.
  2. The researchers fucked up somehow.

If you’re more likely to believe #1 than #2 right now, you’re part of the problem.


Oh great churchill is trolling again? Yes Churchill. It would go against basic germ theory to have people who are not sick with covid to transmit covid.

I didn’t realize he’s vaxxed. Then I truly don’t understand why it’s so hard to get the remaining (40%?) vaccinated. They believe every other piece of disinformation coming from Republicans. Election stolen. Covid is no big deal. We don’t need to wear masks, etc. How fucking stupid are these people? Trump and Abbott both hospitalized, received the best medical attention possible. Both were vaxxed. Tucker Carlsen has been vaxxed. Yet they’re still afraid it’s all a plot so Bill Gates can plant a tracking chip in them.

Edit: I do know one reason. A guy I know thinks they get a different vaccine than the rest of us. We’re all fucked because of these idiots

could antibodies from 2019 have developed as a response to a lowgrade predecessor to sars-cov-2? something that didn’t kill enough people to trigger health agencies to get involved? if that were the case, it probably was already on most continents when it mutated into something much more deadly.

Could maybe be antibodies to regular coronaviruses that are cross-reactive.

Almost certainly not. A much more likely explanation is cross-reactivity with the “proprietary” assay.

Seems both likely and greedy from a worldwide perspective.

Got a very threatening email from the medical board of California about shitty mask and vaccine exemptions. Mass e-mail sent to everyone. They seem serious. Good.


Jfc im starting to really dread what our covid response will start to look like if Newsom is recalled

So North American deer testing positive for Covid antibodies in January 2020 is not a big deal because it’s conventional wisdom that the virus was circulating undetected for a long time. Humans testing positive in October 2019 is ridiculous because of course we’d know if this thing was circulating in Italy then.

Do I have that right?

But it happened to mutate to be more deadly in a region with notorious wet markets that sell bats and pangolins, which have known viruses that very closely resemble covid - so much so there was a lab dedicated to studying said viruses in the same city where it blew up?

We’re getting into complicated ethical territory with boosters; WHO has called for a moratorium on them until end of Sept.

No I think the criticism of that study is wrong earlier in the thread. It’s likely a shit study too, but I haven’t seen that one yet. The Italy one was something I’d seen before.

Theres a bit of a difference between “the virus was circulating” and “fully 11% of the population has been infected.”

But yeah, I wouldn’t be shocked if there was some COVID kicking around Italy at the time. Certainly seems like it was in Germany and France in January. Quite possible the Italian study was flawed but there was still COVID in the country.

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This is a blatant lie.

Oh fuck right off with that bullshit.


Thread captains working hard this morning.