COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

This will be the first year in like 30 I’m watching zero vikes games. Fuck cousins, fuck theilan. Shockingly it seems like most NFL idiots are white.

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This seems kind of bad. From this past April.

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This is probably true generally in the US because antivaxx had become a core conservative belief, and the US conservative movement is very much a white supremacy movement.

Your pony failed to get vaccinated and has been fired.


Yeah, that’s what I remembered. Not comforting.

Again, that accuracy seems fine for these purposes. I wouldn’t use it as a final diagnostic for someone who is worried they actually might have covid, but as a daily screener to let people come into work? That’s orders of magnitude more accurate then temperature screenings.

Source? From what I’m seeing, the accuracy is 98%+ on antibody tests.

Just seems like catching a positive accurately only half the time isn’t really great. But sure, better than temp screenings no doubt.

I’ve always wondered how Trumpy assholes like the Bosas survive in an NFL locker room.

Serious question would you rather:

  1. A daily test with a 50 percent accuracy rate to let someone come into work; or
  2. A daily test with a 98 percent accuracy rate but you don’t know they have covid till one to two days after they take the test, and they’ve been allowed to work those one to two days;

Seems to me that Number 1 is superior there.

Sure but that’s a different question than “trusting” the rapid tests. And it sure would be nice if they could do better.

Fair, but the point is, if they’re going to have a vaccine or daily testing regimen rule, rapid tests seems to be the optimal play.

Seems like they’re testing at the low end of the typical number of copies/swab and accuracy goes way up when the viral load goes up (Fig. 1), but I’m not knowledgeable enough on this to say how to interpret this in terms of real-world testing.

Yeah antivax used to be the domain of anti western medicine holistic morons. That’s when we used to have measles outbreaks in communities in California. I miss it when it was just that.

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It’s probably pretty similar to the trumpy assholes we have to tolerate at work. Just employ mitigation strategies. Step 1 is avoid them altogether. Then avoid any political or controversial speech. If they do get trumpy, get away. I’m sure NFL players hate their coworkers as much as we all do.

My concern is that rapid testing could give people a false sense of security and perhaps not be as careful.

Testing or no, everybody should pretty much behave as if unvaccinated people definitely have the virus and protect themselves accordingly.

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straight cash homie. (I fucked it up and edited. god damn it)