COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Do we have better data on how long immunity last? For the vaccines, people who were infected, and people who were infected and got the vaccine?

I don’t know that we will ever get true herd immunity with the propensity to mutate. Worldwide there are just going to be too many pockets and opportunities for mutants to develop.

The best control is to keep spread low. Less chances to mutate and less chance for mutants to select. Hopefully after a couple of more vaccine boosters targeting mutations we can get to the point of giving the virus little wiggle room to avoid the vaccine acquired immunity.

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I think we could see the normal damage that a President gets in his first midterms. And while that could be significant and game changing, I’m not sure it can be pinned to covid response.

That wasn’t the main point of what you wrote at all.

It’s hard to make heads or tails of much of what you’re going on about. Like

Now society is dominated by Luddites who actively oppose progress and soi-disant progressives who have convinced themselves that any progress worth having can only come through dismantling the oppressive structures of white supremacy embedded in late capitalism, etc.

Who exactly are these “Luddites” and “soi-disant progressives” dominating society that are slowing down mRNA research in any meaningful way? Show me on the doll where the social justice movement did any of that. Last I checked, the technocrats and arch-capitalists are pretty firmly in control of the ship here.

The closest thing we have to Luddites here are the anti-vaxx idiots, and they’re not exactly on the vanguard of dismantling white supremacy.

The point is that the government isn’t trying to sell this as the next big thing and position itself as a leader/incubator of the new industry.

The government has already incubated the technology and spent jillions on tech transfer. It doesn’t have to sell anything to Joe Q Public, this stuff sells itself among people who work in the industry.

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Today’s pattern of writing really long posts with imprecise at best language then writing pissy responses when someone in good faith responds to what they think you meant really needs to stop


Yeah, knock it off everyone!


The idea that people aren’t reading what you’re writing for understanding is bullshit JT. You’re taking this waaaay to personally. I don’t even bother responding to your stuff anymore because why bother the great JT who can’t be wrong about anything ever?

edit: also, there’s nothing more tired than ‘no what I really meant is [completely different than previous post]’ internet guy

JT to be frank what you write is frequently just wrong, and instead of taking those corrections or comments you personally attack others. It makes for shit discussion.

Holy shit. I’ve been trying to follow the blocks and blocks of text but I think I’ve lost the thread. Is JT arguing that we should be wearing masks and nobody in the thread is disagreeing?

Can anybody succinctly share what the hell is going in the last 2 days in here? And then can we move on from it?


This is dishonest, and a further example of you just refusing to admit you were wrong. What you actually do is tell people they can’t read well over and over again. Anyways, carry on JT. I’m sure you’ll get exactly the quality of responses you want with this behavior.

Broad strokes yup.

I’m not loving this most recent subtopic of discussion, but I’m not hating it either. I kind of agree with JT’s idea of some retconning going on. I think if someone 6 months ago had written that there would have been a significant number of vaxxed people who would get infected and become quite contagious for a period of time, that would have been rejected. However, I don’t think anyone actually phrased any theory they had on vaccine and disease spread exactly that way. Hence, our current scenario was never really discussed (and no one could reject it).

On the other hand, the way that most people described their thoughts on vaccine and disease spread (At least as I remember it, which could be wrong. I’m not going back to check) left enough wiggle room that what we are seeing right now is not a strict contradiction of what was said earlier.

In any case, carry on. Not my favorite subtopic of discussion, but not useless either.


So bad news for Florida. Lol @ 18 percent positivity rate. On the other hand:

Is a nugget of good news in what is about to become a very grim situation. I assume “IUC” is a typo and means “ICU?” @CaffeineNeeded feel free to correct me if it means something else.

Also promising:

I absolutely said that back like circa April/early May. I concede i was wrong given what we now know about delta. On the other hand, I always said that everyone should still be masked including the vaxxed. My reasons then are the same as my primary reason for thinking that now, because the unvaxxed are liars.


Everyone told you that vaxxed people who did not contract covid did not spread covid in any significant way. That’s still absolutely true. No one said people who were vaccinated but got the disease were not contagious. People told you the first thing because germ theory. The second thing is also true because germ theory.

Again, vaccinated people are not efficient spreaders of the virus.

seems like a typo to me.

The good news is unvaccinated people who don’t get covid don’t spread it either. It’s called germ theory.


You want me to cite something that I said did not happen?

JT buddy, come on. If you want to cite or ban (which is fucking stupid in what’s supposed to be a reasonable discussion) that’s on you. You’re the one making the positive claim. You get to make the cite. That’s how science works.

There’s lots of things you are wrong about, but others have corrected previous mistakes and this one is super important.

I honestly do not get why you’re so emotional about this. Perhaps a break would do you good. Hope to see you soon.