COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Lots of countries that have universal mask mandates (Mexico for example) are having a huge uptick in cases. So anecdotally it seems like masks are not enough mitigation against Delta and whatever other variants are out there.

It ainā€™t gonna hurt.

So what does this mean for schools?

Yeah, I think this is a good estimate. Looking forward 3 weeks from now, I think the best estimate of 7-day average deaths is just over 1,000.

If this new strain really as infectious as chickenpox (and Iā€™m still very skeptical of this), test-n-trace seems like a pipe dream.

Itā€™s an obvious blunder for Mexico to let Americans into their country.

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Not letting people go back and forth between Mexico and the US would interfere with a lot of people getting to eat on both sides.

IIRC thereā€™s like no correlation at all between symptoms and how well the vaccine works.

I know? A six-month lockdown will also have real economic consequences for the most vulnerable people. I donā€™t have a solution.

Wasnā€™t the context here about how JT thinks people should wear masks (like heā€™s been saying all along even when he was called chicken-little itt for doing it)? Thatā€™s not really that costly.

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The thing I posted is the first study Iā€™ve seen trying to break down breakthrough infections by any kind of variables. If you find the ones youā€™re talking about please pass the along.

I havenā€™t heard anything at all about this, but why does the second shot generally have a worse effect?

I guess where things get murky is when I try and look at what I personally should be doing. Iā€™m vaccinated. Iā€™m back to wearing masks. Iā€™m still not doing as many social things as I was pre-pandemic.

Living in Oklahoma where 50% of people are literally never getting vaxed and never adhering to a single precaution again how am I supposed to live my life? Covid is here to stay whether I want it or not. So how far does my personal responsibility go? I literally closed my office for over a year. I didnā€™t see my parents for a year. I preached to everyone around me get vaccinated so we can go back to normal. It worked on a few. Am I now supposed to go back to beating the drum about bunkering down for months or years? If Covid truly is endemic and people will never do the things to control it at what point does my personal responsibility end? And these arenā€™t rhetorical questions at all. Itā€™s something I have been internally struggling with over the past few weeks as the reality of Delta has sunk in.

I wish the world I lived in wasnā€™t like this but it is.


Sure, I agree we should be wearing masks.

If you are looking for someone to tell you that you were right, you were right. We should have kept mask mandates up.

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Who could have predicted that would end badly?

Oh great - coming soon to anti-vaxx FUD near you.

(from the linked FB post)

531 are Massachusetts residents, 220 of which reside in Provincetown. The remainder of individuals who tested positive reside in other states. 74% of the cases are among vaccinated individuals, 87% are men with a median age of 40. Note that todayā€™s update of the overall cluster number is the smallest daily increase in cases since we began reporting the numbers.

Iā€™m curious as to why this data set is 87% men.

Also of course thereā€™s no room for the important part in the headline:

Seven hospitalizations have been reported to date associated with this cluster ā€“ 5 in MA and 2 out-of-state. No deaths have been reported.

So less than 1% risk of hospitalization and 0% risk of death.

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