COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

We’re at about 50:50, maybe higher in the mRNA as vast marotiy of under 40’s are mRNA and the over 40’s were 50:50 on AZ / Pfizer.

We’re not dropping all safety measures until at least the 19th July. Self isolation for the double jabbed upon being contact traced not even stopping until 16 August

Nope, no shortage. Maybe for a week or so a month ago whilst we upped the Pfizer / Moderna stocks for under 40’s. The vaccination centres are still with full lines. It taking them a while to get vaccinated as they only become eligible recently, seeing as though the vaccination rate is one of the highest in the world, it taking a while to get through them ;)

I’d be hesistant about this report. I’d like to see the real paper, as some really shitty work has come out from Israel wrt vaccine effectiveness and side effects, and they’re dealing with absurdly small sample sizes because their daily case rate is 343 per that article.

I agree, even if simply because of the nature of the statistic. If 100 out of 10000 unvaccinated and 5/10000 vaccinated got sick in the trial with masking and social distancing, to borrow bobman’s numbers, it would not be ridiculous to see 1000/10000 and 25/10000 in a full blown opening, no one masking scenario over a similar time frame. Efficacy go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Is this actually how efficacy is measured? It seems strange, because then I could accurately claim that Monster Energy drinks are 100% effective against polio.

Nah you’d fail when you tested for significance.

What? That’s not what I’ve read.

We can thought experiment around unmasked vaccinated folks.

  1. Morbidity still seems to be dramatically better, even for the variant/vaccine combos that show higher rates of infection.

  2. It is unclear how much spread is coming from infected, vaxxed folks. There really isn’t a control without the concurrent presence of non-vaxxed people (kids, anti-vaxxers, countries with low supply). It is possible that if “everyone” was vaxxed that R would be <<1.

  3. We can imagine that vaxxed, infected folks develop a specific natural immune response to variants, essentially getting some level of broader protection. So the outcomes aren’t all bad.

Basically the net effect of 1 and 2 is what will drive things.

Clearly we would be better off if the whole damn world had very high mask compliance for a period of a few weeks and just starve the damn virus for bodies. But that isn’t going to happen until a variant breaks through vaccine protection on the morbidity side.

But you get my point, right? It seems silly to say the same vaccine is X% efficacious in Vietnam and Y% efficacious in the UK.

If so, then I guess it’s trivially true that more masking will make the vaccine more effective.

I worded that weird, AZ is much less effective than mRNA vs Delta

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Not saying you’re wrong, but I’d like to see a citation for that. I’d thought all three of Pfizer, Moderna, and AZ were performing roughly comparably.

I’m not sure I understand this at all. If you took a sample of Monster drinkers and a separate sample of non-Monster drinkers, you’re either going to have an undefined efficacy rate (assuming that no one contracts polio) or a 0% efficacy rate (assuming that both populations experience roughly the same vanishingly small rate).

It’s flawed sure, but grossly it should be pretty similar.

To save bigt2k4 some bother as I suspect you won’t find a credible cite on 2 dose effectiveness of AZ against delta, further upthread I left a quality cite stating AZ ‘only’ 30% effective against Delta after first dose. Think AZ soon catches up with mRNA’s on the second dose, at the sweet spot of 8 weeks between doses.

Different dosing regimes. Different covid. Different injection techniques too (many say Vietnam / SE Asia method of injection is better than the UK’s)

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I’m sure you’ve replied to me in a post weeks ago stating that the 1 dose is not great and that AZ is slightly less effective but you assured me that once we have 2 doses the effectiveness of the vaccinations are pretty much similar in % wise.


So it seems AZ is indeed effective after the full two doses? I don’t get what level people are on here.

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edited to add later study i just found…

so, yah, we appear good (no mention of symtomatic prevention %'s thou, just hospitalis(z)ation)

You won’t find numbers on the split of mRNA to RNA’s on UK vaccines administered, even though the government will definately have those exact numbers.

Public Health England does report on Hospital admissions and deaths, and further splits those to 1 dose, 2 weeks past second dose or 0 doses but they do not report on brand of vaccine in those who had doses.

Sub forum Covid thread will be open soon

Masking doesn’t trivially increase efficacy. Efficacy is a ratio, so the effect depends whether masking reduces infections more for unvaxxed or vaxxed. As a toy example, if a really good mask works just as well as a vaccine against everything except Delta, but both are useless against Delta, then efficacy goes down if everyone starts wearing really good masks.

The measurement is probably silly in some philosophical sense, but it’s closer to what you actually want to know (what’s the benefit from getting vaccinated in this place under these conditions). You could (unethically) create some sort of universal benchmark by exposing people to a precisely calibrated dose of COVIDs, but that would be practically less useful than seeing how well the vaccines do in real life conditions. But the tradeoff is that when the conditions change, so does the number.

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More reading on Israel.

Is there an English translation for us simpletons not working in the hard sciences?

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