COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Some deets.

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Can we do lotto for the season flu vaccine?


These lottos are objectively hilarious. They save lives, they save the state money, and I get a chuckle. Win-win-win.


California thinks I never got my second dose since I split the shots between Walgreens and a county site. Maybe I’ll get a third dose to make myself ELIGIBLE


Somebody is going to get 100 shots somehow to increase their odds.


Next season of My Lottery Dream Home gonna be epic


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It’s sad how far gone these people are. He sounded genuinely distraught and I almost feel bad for him, but at the same time fuck him and all the other anti-science idiots out there who are keeping kids from getting vaccinated.


2nd character means home. Character before that means something like “to exist/be there.” Hence, be/stay home.

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doing covid shots in the ER now. Big time push for it too.


I’m sure once his family miraculously survives the flu season he’ll see the error of his ways.


This vaccine is pretty crazy. 7-day average of new cases in NYC has dropped 90% over the last two months.


Goddamn, 30 people are going to be eating at TGIFridays forever.


Making this joke? against my better judgment but his family will indeed be dead come flu season or whenever because this fucking psychopath is going to murder suicide them. Fucking horror show.

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A relative of mine (the kid, idk the OP) apparently got myocarditis after 2nd moderna shot. Seems legit especially since there are pics, even though a small part of me thinks something is fishy (the doctors were SHOCKED and unaware about schools mandating vax, she wrote). I stalked her Facebook for some right wing LOLs but I have no real reason to be skeptical. Anyway this is bound to happen to somebody, but it’s certainly going to dissuade my right wing family members from getting the vax.

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Strikes me as somewhat better than average antivax bs. Based on this one event she’s trying to get colleges to rescind vax mandate. Even if the event and shot are related she doesn’t seem interested in any sort of cost benefit analysis. I think Caffeine noted that myocarditis is a dicy diagnosis. Inflammation, just as a layman, seems like it could be anything between almost nothing and quiet bad and antivaxers love them some difficult to observe or define medical sounding conditions.

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Yeah, there is definitely no weighing of the pros and cons. The only consideration is potential side effects and not about effectively stopping a deadly virus. My sister and her husband are both physicians and not getting vaxxed, even before this incident but I’m sure this freak occurrence is validation for them. I wish I could debunk this or something but whatever happened happened, who knows.

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Your sister and brother in law are unvaxxed MDs? What are the odds of that? 1000:1? Are they just dumb?


From what I’ve learned arguing politics, reasoning is basically out of reach for many. Just drives home the wisdom of the vac payouts/lotteries.

I want to read a sci fi book where are the people who got vaxxed all drop dead (antivaxxers were right!), with society now run by the rest who didn’t. In like 40 years we’d lose the technology required to make ice.


If dumb means right wing then yes (mostly his influence, sadly). They are mid 30s, he’s a PhD/MD from a top ivy league school, lived whole life in the mid Atlantic until taking his current job in western PA. Same for my sister except not quite the same elite schools but still… Who knows man. They should be a case study in the dealing with deportable family thread. LOL leaving the typo.