COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

That would be perfect but I just don’t think the result would be much different. Everyone already understands this, and is acting accordingly.

The places that don’t want to have masks would just say that is great guidance but we are not going to accept that our customers/constituents are sociopaths that can’t be trusted to tell the truth about being vaccinated just to avoid wearing a mask, even though they know that is the case.

Publix is giving away a 125$ gift card to employees who bring their completed vaccine card to their managers.

once the cdc changed guidance on masks being required publix is still requiring employees to mask unless they show their completed vaccination card to their manager. previously masks were required to be worn by employees.

I am hoping a similar tactic will be taken by other companies. this might actually lead to more vaccines being administered.


What? Does the CDC have the authority to impose a federal mask mandate? Does the federal government even have that authority? The CDC certainly doesn’t have the police to enforce any mandates. Seems to me like their role, and their only role, is to make recommendations here. I don’t think that should be “manipulations” if that means lies, but it should be simply providing science-based health advice.

I might be misunderstanding you though.

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Johnny, I’m not going to regurgitate what’s easy to find on the CDC’s website. That’s not how a “discussion” works. I agree that these new mask policies were probably premature, fwiw.

No one, explicitly. But when the CDC says “vaccinated people probably won’t transmit the disease,” that triggers a four-day torrent of rage and suggestions that they should not tell us this because it will be misunderstood by idiots. It sure seems like people want the CDC to sit on their findings or mislead people in hopes of making them take the disease more seriously.

I’m ready to agree that there’s probably more optimal ways to frame this and make their charts. Also agree the new mask updates were probably premature. Where I don’t agree is that the CDC is somehow responsible for a nation of idiots choosing to disregard or misunderstand thier guidelines. As if the guys picketing Amy Acton’s house with assault rifles are going to go home and start wearing masks if the CDC tweaks its messaging for clarity.

If give it like three days tops before Midwesterners start taking potshots at the CDC Mask Police.

Can they legally require this? I remember there was some discussion earlier about how nursing homes can’t require flu/COVID vaccines, which seemed insane to me.

I think their guidance was that it is safe for vaccinated people to be inside or outside without masks. That unvaccinated people should still wear masks.

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CDC website. Wft at those pictures? Are you supposed to be having pinata parties, go shopping and do yoga inside without masks if you’re vaccinated? The children aren’t vaccinated. Or are those faceless people wearing masks? Masks that cover their entire face and match their skin-tone?


You asked what (I) thought the guidance was, and I told you in the most simple terms. Of course it also says that you need to follow local, state and federal guidelines where applicable.

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They’ve got that old guy with the beard so it’s pretty clear these people aren’t wearing masks. The way they draw children reaching out for hot pots like that doesn’t inspire confidence in their safety consciousness.


And I think to goofy’s point earlier, I don’t think anyone here disagrees that it is safe for vaccinated people to lose the mask. My best distillation of the kerfuffle has been that most of us here think that we would prefer the CDC have waited “a bit longer” before announcing that unvaccinated people need to wear masks still, but vaccinated people do not due to the lack of any enforcement mechanism and because it’d just generally be “better”. Same way we all thought we should have locked down longer and harder (even though there was no enforcement mechanism for that suggestion, either tbh).

I think if we could wave a magic wand and presto all unvaccinated folks (including kids) continued to wear masks in public until they were vaccinated or there was [a difficult amount to quantify] less spread, while vaccinated people didn’t need to, we’d be pretty much ok with it as far as I can tell.


That’s not the cdc’s job. Their job is to prevent the spread of disease not to provide raw scientific facts.

That they screwed up early on with masks is irrelevant other than they have essentially screwed up with masks AGAIN, and in the same direction, not using them.

Their announcement was inappropriate, poorly timed and even worse, executed like garbage. Even Fauci is grabbing his fainting coach with shock that people might be misusing the information they provide.

Again their goal is to limit the spread of disease not just be a repository of science facts. Their literal job is to take those facts and translate them into actual policy and then execute that policy.

For those who keep saying the CDC should “Just the facts m’am” they are wrong. That has never been the CDC’s function or objective.

Some people treat the CDC like they were just formed in 2020. These are not my opinions on what I think the CDC should be doing. It’s literally their core mission statement. It is what they say they should be doing.

We can debate whether masks need to be worn or not, but that would is not the issue here. The issue is the CDC announcement is helping spread Covid and it’s variants. That is the issue.

We can discuss if it is a big enough problem to get concerned about, but that is the issue with what the CDC has done.


None of us disagree about anything serious really, but there are a lot of accusations of selfishness and deficiency of character depending on where you personally fall in your mask usage right now.

I won’t wear a mask unless required by state/local laws. If a business asks me to wear one I will. 2/3rds of my state are vaxxed now. It makes no sense to me to continue wearing one. I think it is the height of arrogance for me to assume I know better than the fucking, you know, center for disease control.

This is absolutely a reasonable debate to have, and I think is the spirit of what most folks were arguing. Whether CDC should say things that aren’t necessarily scientifically valid (vaccinated people need masks for their safety, vaccinated people should wear masks on a crowded train even though they probably don’t need to) in order to try to thread the needle between being a data-driven science body and a public health coercive just-do-it-because-we-say-so-it’s-better-seriously body.

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I have tried to play this out in my head and every time if I am in the room where the CDC discusses this I am instantly bringing up all these issues. And I am nowhere close to being special.

So they had to be aware of all of them when they moved toward. The concerning question is why did they move forward despite knowing what would happen?

(Let’s be honest if they didn’t know they need a massive house cleaning and restructuring)

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Employers in the US can generally require employees to be vaccinated or wear masks, but do have to allow accommodations based on health and religious reasons.

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UK requires masks in locations the CDC is not recommending it and they have similar vaccination rates and they have scientists too. It’s not open and shut you are a science denier if you think the CDC is wrong.


Reasonable enough for me. I personally will throw on a mask whenever required, plus any time that other folks around me (perhaps employees of an establishment or when out and about and come across masked folks) out of courtesy, since I would interpret their mask usage it as a signal that they are concerned about the 'rona and I wouldn’t want to cause anxiety when they inevitably wonder if I was vaxxed or not.

I’m not saying that anyone is denying science. I’m saying following CDC recommendation does not make one inherently selfish, stupid, or any other negative adjective one could conjure out of their heads.

I hear ya. It’s been a frustrating year and a half for sure where we’ve watched public policy sputter for a whole variety of reasons. I don’t fully agree that saying vaxxed=safe without masks unvaxxed=unsafe wear mask is necessarily gobbling the full marshmallow in this case, especially in comparison to the many, many times we’ve snarfed up the whole bag throughout this whole thing.

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