COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

Yes… I’d like to think it was not Covid-19 but when the blood tests came back showing no Flu & was inconclusive for anything else its hard to not see a connection to the pandemic just weeks away.

I did, I offered to take him to a real football match, if ever over here, rather than watch soccer.


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I suppose it could be quite amusing listening to his

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For the record I think Covid was in lots of places end of 2019.


I’ve asked everyone who comes into the ER for some nonsense who doesn’t have a covid shot yet ‘why haven’t you gotten your covid shot’ for the past week or so. Most common reason is some talk about not having the time, second most common is a question about cost, third most common is ‘I already had covid’. About half the people who already had it actually did, others are some sort of variation of I had it because I felt bad once. Oct 2019 is my record so far of how far back someone had covid. Thinking something that was covid which probably wasn’t is a barrier to getting vaccinated, so it’s tough to see someone talk about being positive for covid a month plus before the index case in their country and not questioning it.


So while it is possible he had it this makes it far more likely then not that he did not have it. Lots of viral pneumonia’s out there that aren’t COVId or flu. I remember a lot of posters on this very board who were sure they had it and then went and got an antibody test and tested negative (not that that’s dispositive either).


Covid in Barcelona March 2019

Most COVID-19 cases show mild influenza-like symptoms (14) and it has been suggested that some uncharacterized influenza cases may have masked COVID-19 cases in the 2019-2020 season (11). This possibility prompted us to analyze some archival WWTP samples from January 2018 to December 2019 (Figure 2). All samples came out to be negative for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 genomes with the exception of March 12, 2019, in which both IP2 and IP4 target assays were positive. This striking finding indicates circulation of the virus in Barcelona long before the report of any COVID-19 case worldwide. Barcelona is a business and commerce hub, as well as a popular venue for massive events, gathering visitors from many parts of the world. It is nevertheless likely that similar situations may have occurred in several other parts of the world, with circulation of unnoticed COVID-19 cases in the community.

Yes, that’s right JT, the UK vaccine trials did include spacing doses at 4, 6, 8 and 10 week periods and the UK government always said they had the data to show that an increased delay between doses from the recoemmndatrions on the packet did increase the antibodies present in those jab with larger gaps during said trials - not all guesswork but the correct strategy when cases are the highest ever (UK, Dec 2020, B.1.1.7 Alpha variant)

It is incredibly unlikely that this is true, and this study should not be taken seriously.

Quality source though, wouldn’t you agree?



You might want to read the comments in the very same link you posted.


It’s also a study from last July, if this was at all supported by independent research it would already be part of the common knowledge about Covid.

lol, i just have :/

for the record…

checking another commenter presently

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The last few posts about Spanish shit have summarized the last few weeks itt nicely.


Or at least it would have passed peer review by now instead of languishing on medRxiv. But it obviously shouldn’t pass peer review, because the plain conclusion from the data is obvious: that there wasn’t SARS-CoV-2 in Barcelona’s waste water in March 2019.


I mean common fucking sense and everything else we know about Covid shoudl also tell us that it didnt circulate in a city like barcelona for a full fucking year, to the extent it was detectable in sewage samples, and nobody noticed and said “Hey, i wonder why everyone is getting fucking pneumonia and dying?”

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SPANISH FLU 2: ELECTRIC SUPERFLU that killed 1% of the population of Barcelona but thankfully no one ever visits or leaves Barcelona so no one noticed and it didn’t spread anywhere.


This is really bad misinformation to have hanging out there. The “debate” over the origins of Covid is going to be misrepresented and weaponized by fascists so passing around discredited conclusions plays right into hands.

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Can you find the report the comment refers to? Easy to leave a comment.

SARS-CoV-2 detected in waste waters in Barcelona on March 12, 2019 - Current events - University of Barcelona?