COVID-19: Chapter 8 - Ongoing source of viral information, and a little fun

A relative of mine (the kid, idk the OP) apparently got myocarditis after 2nd moderna shot. Seems legit especially since there are pics, even though a small part of me thinks something is fishy (the doctors were SHOCKED and unaware about schools mandating vax, she wrote). I stalked her Facebook for some right wing LOLs but I have no real reason to be skeptical. Anyway this is bound to happen to somebody, but it’s certainly going to dissuade my right wing family members from getting the vax.

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Strikes me as somewhat better than average antivax bs. Based on this one event she’s trying to get colleges to rescind vax mandate. Even if the event and shot are related she doesn’t seem interested in any sort of cost benefit analysis. I think Caffeine noted that myocarditis is a dicy diagnosis. Inflammation, just as a layman, seems like it could be anything between almost nothing and quiet bad and antivaxers love them some difficult to observe or define medical sounding conditions.

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Yeah, there is definitely no weighing of the pros and cons. The only consideration is potential side effects and not about effectively stopping a deadly virus. My sister and her husband are both physicians and not getting vaxxed, even before this incident but I’m sure this freak occurrence is validation for them. I wish I could debunk this or something but whatever happened happened, who knows.

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Your sister and brother in law are unvaxxed MDs? What are the odds of that? 1000:1? Are they just dumb?


From what I’ve learned arguing politics, reasoning is basically out of reach for many. Just drives home the wisdom of the vac payouts/lotteries.

I want to read a sci fi book where are the people who got vaxxed all drop dead (antivaxxers were right!), with society now run by the rest who didn’t. In like 40 years we’d lose the technology required to make ice.


If dumb means right wing then yes (mostly his influence, sadly). They are mid 30s, he’s a PhD/MD from a top ivy league school, lived whole life in the mid Atlantic until taking his current job in western PA. Same for my sister except not quite the same elite schools but still… Who knows man. They should be a case study in the dealing with deportable family thread. LOL leaving the typo.



Man this reads as such bullshit. She tries to have that JAQ/I’m here to help overture but I’m buying it exactly zero percent. And the pictures don’t add anything. Why include the chart showing COVID death rate? Their attempt to get colleges to not mandate vaccination, and pulling the fire alarm on just how dangerous vaccinations are is some strong anti-vaxxer propaganda. I don’t doubt the kid went to the ER and had a racing heart, but everything that happened after that makes this lady seem pretty shitty imo.


This post sets off tons of BS alarms.
-Doctors brushing off a heart problem until some kid shows them a fb article.
-Doctors missing a link between vax and heart issues yet if it were as widespread as they say would be national news like what happened with j&j.
-Some random picture of a kid in a hospital.
-Doctors somehow giving a shit about mandated vax requirements despite those having been a thing for other diseases when those same docs went to college.



Ya hate to see it. I hope his strong immune system fends off any diseases the worms might be carrying 6 feet under.

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I just hope the worms don’t get COVID.



Gambling stuff excised.


In NYC, vaccine comes to you

Wait. A white supremacist with the last name Trujillo?

Some people are too stupid to live.


Whiteness is fluid my friend. As long as you are personally convinced of your dubious superiority then you have a shot at making it in!

Guys like him think they’ll survive some absurd white genocide by joining white supremacists when all they’d be doing is delaying their death at the hands of the people they LARP with.

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Abolishing the police, one cop at a time.


A variant with higher transmissibility is a huge danger to people without immunity either from vaccination or prior infection, even if the variant is no more deadly than previous versions of the virus. Residents of countries like Taiwan or Vietnam that had almost completely kept out the pandemic, and countries like India and Nepal that had fared relatively well until recently, have fairly little immunity, and are largely unvaccinated. A more transmissible variant can burn through such an immunologically naïve population very fast

Waiving vaccine patents is fine, but unless it’s tied to a process that actually increases the supply of vaccines, it’s a little bit more than expressing thoughts and prayers after a tragedy. Officials from all nations that produce vaccines need to gather for an emergency meeting immediately to decide how to commandeer whatever excess capacity they have to produce more, through whatever means necessary. Because of the threat of increased transmissibility, and since the evidence at hand indicates that all of the vaccines, even the Chinese and Russian versions, appear to be highly effective against severe disease or worse, the focus should be on manufacturing and distributing the highest number of doses possible as fast as possible…

Vaccine supplies need to be diverted now to where the crisis is the worst, if necessary away from the wealthy countries that have purchased most of the supply. It is, of course, understandable that every nation wants to vaccinate its own first, but a country with high levels of vaccination, especially among its more vulnerable populations, can hold things off, especially if they also had big outbreaks before. In addition, excess stockpiles can go where they are needed without even slowing down existing vaccination programs.