COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

No, you’re right, the speculation initially was how much it was spread by surfaces initially in addition, not primarily.

And yeah, calling it ‘hygiene theater’ is so fucked up but it’s in line with my observations. People obviously don’t want to be inconvenienced at all, in the slightest, but if they must be, only one thing is allowed, either:

  1. wash hands/surfaces
  2. x ft distancing
  3. wear mask

And God help you if you try to make somebody do some combination of the above.

It was baffling to see my local grocery store go overnight from no-mandatory-masks but distancing and a hard limit to occupants, to mandatory-mask but no enforced distancing and no limit to occupants.

Over a year later and the thought I have at least once a day is: “Oh, so I’m one of the only ones who read The Andromeda Strain as a little kid and had it imprinted on his brain?”

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Got 2nd dose of Moderna today and total time I had to wait for both doses combined was < 5 minutes. Total time I’ve spent waiting in online queues for basketball gifs in that same span completely dwarfs it.


Brag: second shot in arm.
Beat: state and local case load back on the rise.
Variants? Probably.


I’m trying to scroll up and find the stuff, but were people mad at you because you said you weren’t convinced that covid isn’t spread on surfaces? Is it a debate on the matter of degree?

So basically people are pretending like it can’t be spread on surfaces just to Open 'Er Back Up?

I finally found an appointment for my first shot, which means now the clock is ticking and there’s only 5-6 weeks left of me having the greatest excuse ever to avoid people. Kinda bummed.


I didn’t even need the excuse in Canada. I was hours away from anybody I know.

I’m reading back to front and I’m at the point where we’re talking about “1 in 10000” and I’m like 1 in 10000 what? Asses eaten?

Speaking of which, ass eating parties are a go again!

I think as long as I do the 10-second-rule like with dropped food and don’t eat an ass directly after somebody else got their fill, I’m good. That’s just science.

Kinda relevant above. I just can’t see UK health officials banning AZ for under 30’s and still giving under 30’s a second dose of same

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Also mentioned in that are the dozens of South African variant cases in Sarf Larndarn. We’ll be in geographical lockdown again before long.

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Come to Japan. You’ll be good to go well into next year.

Do they even have Swiss cheese in the UK?