COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

No clue as the reality of this.

Covid syndrome by proxy ?

Iā€™m not sure what to make of it either. Roughly the same feel better as feel worse compared to before diagnosis?

Kids are amazingly prone to suggestion (See: satanic panic) too. No idea what to do with this.

Symptoms seem to be leveling off for both of us. Taste and smell are still gonezo and we are still congested but weā€™re no worse for the wear beyond thatā€¦except for the brain fog. Itā€™s stubbornly not getting any better and Iā€™m very worried that I might not be able to stay in school. Iā€™m reading the material but itā€™s just not ā€˜stickingā€™ at all. I have until the 9th to drop without financial penalty and I really hate to do it because I canā€™t take this class again until June (and itā€™s a pre-req to pretty much everything in my program) but idk if I can do this in this state.


I think it will take years. There have been more recent studies looking at poorer lifelong outcomes of being in utero in the worst quarters do the 1918 flu- lower average size, more heart disease and even more mental health. Though lol mental health metrics (admissions I think?) in early to mid 20th century.

I believe Iā€™ve seen something about a brain fog type phenomenon too observed in the 1920s.

Too much suggestion bias in the short term. The Icelanders and Scandinavians will settle this in about 30 years.

Meh maybe? Viruses spread through poop too just like bacteria and that isnā€™t airborne. Not sure whatā€™s more contagious.

I donā€™t think this is quite right. Most of whatā€™s in poop that would get you sick is bacteria that arenā€™t airborne. Some pathogens might be, but even then, they arenā€™t usually getting aerosolized by pooping. Meanwhile, most of what you smell is volatile chemicals that are both smaller and lighter than bacteria or viruses.

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LOL Poop


What was your mask situation? I take it you werenā€™t rocking your P100 mask.

Edit: I see you answered it later. Disregard.

Regarding the discussion about airborne transmission aboveā€¦ itā€™s just been announced here that Victoria appears to have had a case of transmission between rooms in a quarantine hotel. A family of five in a room had the UK strain and a woman in the room across the corridor acquired COVID during her stay. Genomic analysis demonstrated that her strain was identical to that of the family. There are cameras in the corridor, so authorities were able to verify that there was no breach of protocol. Staff wear PPE and have no direct contact with guests. Victorian Police Minister:

ā€œWhat the public health team believe is the most likely, the working assumption, is that ā€¦ the viral load in the room of the family of five ā€¦ was so high that just even opening the door to pick up your food has seen the virus get into the corridor,ā€ she said.

ā€œAnd the only reason that people open doors ā€“ thereā€™s no interaction with staff ā€“ is to pick up their food or drop their old laundry out, et cetera.ā€

So this new strain seems to be no joke in terms of its airborne spread capability, itā€™s super good at it.


My Publix has started vaccinations. They had five little chairs in the aisles. That was their waiting room. Its just so pathetic. Canā€™t really believe this is the plan. I should get mine by 2024 or so. Maybe. I guess.

New study in Science reporting:

  • 70+% of transmission attributable to adults between 20 and 49; <5% to children under 10, even after school reopenings.
  • R ā€œwell below oneā€ in all groups except 20-49, even where schools are open.
  • Conclusions may not hold in the future due to superCOVID.

Not really sure what to make of this oneā€“lots of incomprehensible (to me) math involved.

This is probably going to go Full America, like Gold Club Members and AMEX Platinum Card holders get vaccinated, everyone else can just die or whatever.

New York State is allowing local governments to add taxi drivers, restaurant workers, and developmentally disabled facilities to pool of people eligible for vaccines

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The Hollywood film Contagion showed the importance of securing enough Covid vaccines for use once they had been approved, the health secretary said.

Matt Hancock said he had watched the film - which is about a deadly virus - and insisted the UK ordered enough jabs for its population.

He told LBC Radio the 2011 movie also shows there is a ā€œhuge rowā€ about who should be given the vaccine first.

It led to the UK setting out early its ā€œorder of priorityā€ for the jabs.
Mr Hancock said in the film it shows the ā€œhighest stressā€ around the vaccine programme is after it starts getting rolled out.

I canā€™t quite puts my thoughts into words here ā€¦

So heā€™s saying that a fictional movie convinced him that having plenty of vaccines on hand was a positive? This guy is some kind of genius.

Iā€™m assuming your sense of surprise comes from never having witnessed one of his interviews.

Iā€™m pretty disappointed that J&J wonā€™t have 100,000,000 doses available until summer. If anyone was going to have the capacity to produce massive doses before approval it should have been them.

IIRC they werenā€™t doing any old people in these trials because they were worried about health risks right?

I donā€™t know those particulars.

Would hope they are checking the ventilation systems thoroughly. I would expect to either hear of more cases like this happening in quarantine hotels with this strain or would suspect there is something ventilation related that was sharing air between the two rooms. Hotel room kind of a bad place to be once virus is present.

Or the new variant is measles like and we just are all going to get it, but if it was that airborne would expect weā€™d see it transmitted more than once in quarantine hotels.