COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

The ones I’ve seen are more like “can’t walk up the stairs without resting, sleep 18-20 hours/day, tried to work out yesterday - paid for it the next day, lungs in severe pain - couldn’t get out of bed”.

The guy I know in Sweden is more like what you’re talking about. He can run, but his lungs hurt afterwards - which he says is a really weird sensation he’d never had before.

Calling for restaurants to open and not prioritizing vaccinations for their workers is typical rich people shit.

Fuck the poor, support the rich. Standard.

Also the reproduction rate is above 1 in the Czech Republic again. At this point, only vaccinations will stop the increase in case. Most people are sick of the restrictions and are openly ignoring them since there is no practical way to enforce them.

Listen all you fucking sheeple. I have it on good authority from a Facebook medical research expert, that, uh, well, I don’t fucking know but 50% of doctors are refusing the vaccine!

Follow the actual science…
This is one of the best explanations of the problem with mRNA technology. Remember that they have been trying to solve this problem for 30 years UNSUCCESSFULLY. There is a reason that HALF of all doctors are declining this shot. Any doctor who takes the time to read the available science will see what we see.
“Sadly and unfortunately, this is what no-one understands about this mRNA technology (falsely being called a ‘vaccine’), neither pro-vaccine people, or most anti-vax people. This shot has hardly any toxic adjuvants to react to like conventional vaccines, except mainly polyethylene glycol (PEG) which causes anaphylactic shock, or SmithGlaxoKlines shark liver adjuvant that caused Narcolepsy and Cataplexy in 1,300+ kids in 2009 with the Pandemrix shot.
This mRNA technology is NOT injecting a foreign, attenuated virus for the immune system to mount a response against and expel from the body… it is injecting the blueprint of a genomic sequence into your own cells, transcribed by messenger RNA (mRNA), to cause YOUR OWN CELLS to become and behave like the virus, making YOUR OWN CELLS produce the S-spike of a Horseshoe Bat coronavirus… it is YOUR OWN CELLS that the antibodies are attacking.
This is the “Pathogenic Priming” and “Antibody-dependent Disease Enhancement” that all the scientific data and 100’s of thousands of Doctors and Scientists have been warning against… but the pharmaceutical industry-owned governments and media have silenced it and are censoring it all.
You can’t detox and expel YOUR OWN CELLS from your own body, when you have given your own cells a NEW genomic code - via mRNA - to become something other than they are.
This mRNA sequence code has not isolated itself to just lung tissue either, but it is for all your cells in the entire body. So depending on which of your cells the antibodies are mounting the attack on, will result in an untold number of AUTOIMMUNE reactions. These neurological reactions are from the antibodies attacking various cells in the brain, spine and overall nervous system… not a foreign virus… and one day down the line when a real infection comes along - via the wild or an attenuated injection - your own cells won’t be able to mount a defense against them, because they’ve been “Pathogenically Primed” and BOUND, by the antibodies.”

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Some may remember that Manaus in Brazil supposedly achieved herd immunity. Now they are suffering a huge second wave. Three of the four possible explanations are really bad news.

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I think there’s also bias in which stories about long haulers go viral or get press. If Joe Sixpack BMI 30 with high blood pressure has long term health impacts from Covid everyone just says “no shit”. When triathlon dude has long term impacts the whole internet forwards ZOMG WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE articles everywhere.

Vaccine sites have been closed in NYC (and elsewhere in the Northeast) today, and they will remain closed tomorrow

What a bunch of snowflakes!


I have a feeling these guys screwed up measuring prevalence of antibodies somehow. If people were getting sick twice en masse we’d be hearing about it.

Reading the study - they say the demographics of people giving blood (their sample pool) are the same as the general populace. But does that mean they’re going to be the same wrt to covid prevalence? Seems like a leap.

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Agreed, the most likely option, by far, is that their seroprevalence data was biased in a way they didn’t expect.

We’ve seen this elsewhere as well like that Stanford study I’m remembering but not finding



Imagine if it can actually be proven that Desantis is funneling vaccines to the Republican strongholds and not shipping any to the blue areas of the state. Now imagine there being literally zero consequence for that. Both of those are likely to be true imo.


That just makes me sad that vaccines aren’t being funneled disproportionately to blue states.

I do this sometimes if I’m passing a group I consider not-with-the-program - glad it’s not a complete waste :relieved:

This week, HuffPost UK reader Janet asked: “If I hold my breath when I walk past people, would that help stop me getting coronavirus if they have it?”

“The risk of transmission when you just cross someone in the street is very low, especially if you’re wearing a good mask,” says Professor Jose-Luis Jimenez, an aerosol expert from the University of Colorado Boulder.

That said, holding your breath when you cross someone “might help a little bit in some very infrequent circumstances”, he says. For example, if you cross someone who is shedding a high viral load into aerosols, and their exhaled breath happens to go your way with little dilution.

Prof Jimenez admits he has held his breath when passing people in the street before. So, too, has Dr Julian Tang, honorary associate professor and a clinical virologist from the University of Leicester. “I used to do this in the early pandemic – and other people have done the same thing,” he tells HuffPost UK.

Dr Tang recommends that if you see someone walking towards you, it’s best to take a quick breath in and then you exhale out after you’ve walked past them.

“Holding your breath is good but if you breathe out, it’s even better, because you then blow any virus away,” he says.

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Gf’s second round vaccine appointment just got canceled. Cool.

A stronger play is to start yelling that you want to talk to them about being saved by Jesus when they’re 20 feet away, then they never get close enough to infect you.


The UK (Kent) variant starting to go Brazil / SA in the UK…

The Kent variant of coronavirus that has been spreading around the UK appears to be undergoing some worrying new genetic changes, say scientists.

Tests on some samples show a mutation, called E484K, already seen in the South Africa and Brazil variants that are of concern.

Although this change may reduce vaccine effectiveness, the current ones in use should still work, say experts.

In russia, vaccine shoots you


The chemicals you’re smelling are much lighter than droplets.


Mass testing to find South Africa variant begins

Door-to-door delivery of thousands of coronavirus testing kits is under way in England to help identify any cases of the South African variant.

The “surge testing” will take place in eight areas linked to cases of the variant, aiming to reach 80,000 people.

Everyone over 16 in the targeted areas has been urged to take a test, whether they have symptoms or not.

Around 150 volunteers have started delivering kits in Woking, Surrey. They will return later in the day to collect them before the tests are sent off to a lab.