COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Hopefully it was clear I was joking. Happy for you even if I am a bit jealous.

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I know this could be in the NBA thread but the last line of KATs post destroyed me. The United States has so failed its people.


His family has just been smashed by COVID. Heā€™s lost at least seven relatives to COVID.


lol what are we doing?


That looks fake to me.

Lol. Arm is a litttle sore now, I guess it wasnā€™t just Trump Water.



He lies all the time

Hermosa beach has a lot of restaurants only doing takeout, with tables in front of the restaurant, and apparently a helpful employee (but definitely not a waiter) to take your drink and food order, then bring it to you to eat, at the tables. But in paper cups and containers though. So itā€™s definitely takeout.

And my gym is still completely packed every minute itā€™s open. No masks.

Anyone have any deep thoughts on this news out of Norway that 13 people in nursing homes died after Pfizer vaccine. Dad is concerned, but Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be able to get through with some logic. However, it is curious that I donā€™t seem to recall this being observed anywhere else.

Church, man my, just because itā€™s a new mutation that spreads easily, that doesnā€™t tell us anything about whether or not the vaccine will be effective. I canā€™t stress this enough.

My knee-jerk reaction is that people in nursing homes die all the time, and we are currently vaccinating literally everyone in nursing homes right now, so this is completely normal and expected statistically speaking? And a big ā€˜ol heap of skepticism on the articlā€™es conclusion coming from the NY Post.

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I heard on the news today that we are up to 750,000 shots a day right nowā€¦ 1 million seems reachable in the next few weeks, especially if J&J ever comes online. Of course the problem is we need to be doing like 2-3 million a day, not 1 million.

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That was my reaction also. However, if that was true, then we should see reports of 20 nursing home residents in NY or whatever.

This is normally warranted, but it is reported by other sources as well. I just randomly picked the first google hit.

Is it worth it to announce ambitious goals like this? There is a chance it wonā€™t be met and it will be construed as a failure of the Biden administration. Maybe (politically) itā€™s better to underpromise and overdeliver?

His greatest successes will be painted as failures. Along with any real failures plus mostly a bunch of made up fainting couch stuff. Iā€™m sick of worrying about what a bunch of gas lighting traitorous douchebags are going say about anything.


100 million doses is underpromising

  1. Iā€™m hoping that they have enough insight into production capacity, distribution, and the current bottlenecks that they think this is actually an achievable number.

  2. Iā€™m glad that they are putting an actual number on the goal. It shows they at least have some grasp of the scope of the problem. Also, it gives them an actual measurable target that they can aim for instead of just saying something squishy like, ā€œweā€™ll speed up vaccinations.ā€ Itā€™s much easier to hit a target if you actually know what youā€™re aiming for.

  3. No matter what target they set, theyā€™re going to take heat for not rolling things out quickly enough. Even if he hits the target, Fox is going to be piling on him every day if thousands of people are dying on his watch. So, might as well just on clearly communicate your own goals and work towards them while the spin game is going to do what it does.

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What kind of fallout was there from ā€œ15 days to stop the spreadā€?