COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

It’s awesome watching tik tok videos of malls full of people.

I think the last time I set foot in a mall was 2005. I promise people you can go all year without having to go to a mall and you will miss out on exactly nothing.


I mean that would get me back to the second grouping, so I’d feel better on a personal level. I still feel bad for young people with single health risks doing everything right who are losing income or forced into risking catching it for financial reasons being pushed behind retired folks who are just too bored to stay home.

This seems fine because these groups are extremely vulnerable to the spread and not getting good medical care if they catch it. They should be prioritized. I’m genuinely surprised we’re actually doing the right thing for prison populations anywhere in the US. I would have bet heavily that we’d screw them over and put them at the back of the line in red and blue states nationwide.

Too many long term negative implications for the country to push anyone to be anti-vaxx.

I did until July, then I started losing. I was running bad and the games got notably tougher at the same time, and I was suspicious about people using dream machines, so I stopped playing. This was also when I started having cognitive issues from, presumably, stress. So I plan on trying again this week and seeing what happens. Maybe games are better or it was just the cognitive issues.

I will also try grinding MTTs online if cash is no good.

I’m also working on two side hustles but realistically they won’t generate income anytime soon.

For whatever reason, I’ve found the games getting much easier in the last few months. Not sure if there’s been an influx of players, or If I’ve just been more focused lately.

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Maybe you should plan to re-enter if another round of stimulus check get sent out and quit when that money dries up.

If you’re motivated, then I’d set the O/U at late March.

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This is probably the best way the to get the Fox/OANN/NewsMax crowd to want the vaccine.

Most probably don’t want it, but if you tell them that they are at the back of the line to get it, it’s gonna become something they want badly.


Yeah, but $600 won’t do much. I do plan on checking it out again this week though.

I also just read the PA plan, I’m currently in group 1B but it’s all based on ACIP recommendations and they say they plan to follow them as updated… So yeah, I’m moving toward the back.

Reading in more detail it appears the new ACIP plan is:

1A: Medical workers regularly exposed to COVID and assisted living patients (??M people)

1B: 75+ and frontline essential workers (51M people)

1C: 65-74 (32M people) and 16-64 with health risks (110M people)

I think 1C is in parallel, so it’ll be a free for all once they open it up. To get through 1C we need around 400M doses. To get into 1C we need around 105-120M doses.

So far we know we’ll have (supposedly) 200M doses by the end of March, I think. So I guess there’s around a 28% chance I can still get it before the end of March, maybe higher since some people will refuse it or procrastinate and I’ll be working hard to get an appointment or whatever is needed.

Huge sweat for me. If it’s not all of 1C at once, then I need around 180M doses out before it gets to my group, and there’s about a 9% chance I get it before the supply from the end of March runs out.

At that point I think there will be a gap of a couple months before we have more.

Hopefully both groups in 1C are ranked equally and being prepared and working hard to get an appointment gets me in there. Like I’ll drive across the state to get it if needed.

Your timeline is worst case because you assume 100% of each group will get the vaccine

What would be the next steps if this mutates and the new vaccines are no longer effective? Could the US even pull off stricter shutdowns, or would the YOLO folks basically suck out at that point and we just have to join them or shut in quasi-permanently?

Ive sort of already written off 2021 as a pandemic year anyways but going to start getting wearing mentally if it looks like 2022 gonna be down the drain too.

Yeah, but I also assume that all the vaccines produced will be almost immediately delivered and administered. They promised 100M to the US by the end of March, they may not all be in states and administered until April/May.

One thing not mentioned at all is whether people who already had a case in these groups are still prioritized. Sounds like yes, which is also frustrating.

Don’t you just wish Democrats were the vindictive sort who would try to find ways to give blue states a disproportionate percentage of the available vaccine?

It would be nice to hear some details of how they’re going to execute this mass vaccination program. Are they going to convert drive-in testing sites to drive-in vaccination sites? Is there going to be some type of system to avoid mayhem at the vaccination locations, like maybe a lottery system based on birthdates. Those types of questions certainly should have been addressed. I can’t think of a reason why we shouldn’t be informed of the plan.

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If they queued up people with health risks based on severity of risk, where do you think you would be in that group?

CVS and Walgreens have federal contracts.


  1. Global Wuhan level shutdown. (No chance)

  2. YOLO wins, everybody keeps getting covid til we achieve actual herd immunity

  3. We scrap the whole vaccine timeline and tell Moderna and Pfizer that as soon as they can plug in the new sequence and produce it, anyone who wants it can take it

Probably a conbo of two and three. Moderna had this vaccine two days after the sequence was out. So conceivably they could be producing doses within a week, and have 100M in a few months.

Given the similarity, the risk seems low of new safety issues.

No, not really. I do wish that everyone who’s dined in or gone to a bar or gone into a store maskless since March was automatically at the back of the line, though.

Well I have obesity and asthma, and a couple years ago I had slight hypertension and I doubt 2020 has improved it. So I would imagine I’m pretty high up with a triple risk. My age pulls me back somewhat, and I don’t know how those three risks stack up vs someone with cancer… But I would guess if there are 110M people with health risks I’m probably in the top 30-40M.

Great. But is there a plan to keep CVS and Walgreen’s from being overwhelmed by people seeking vaccines? And is it their job to sort out the high priority patients vs the lower priority people? I guess I’m looking for the finer details of the plan.

That’s basically a state issue and some states have thought about this more thoroughly than others. It’s generally up to state health departments or equivalent to determine the order.

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I notice that Kansas explicitly says they are not releasing the cold-storage facilities they are using for security reasons, so do we need to worry about anti-vaxxer terrorism from people believing some QAnon conspiracy theory about the vaccine being used to control people?

Probably more concern about theft and sale on the black market, but I suppose anything is possible.

Even with the Constitution bonus granted by a Lawful Evil affiliation, surely this fucking guy has to die soon. I will create a thread to honour the occasion of the passing of the worst person this country has ever produced.