COVID-19: Chapter 7 - Brags, Beats, and Variants

Cool, cool then.

I was wrong. I should have double checked before posting thoughts out loud. Carry on!


It’s a false choice regardless

A sane response to the virus would lessen social isolation

-net less overall restrictions
-a sense of sacrifice for one another
-financial aid for those in need
-a sense of a finite timeline due to faith in a competent response.

It’s all akin to the “government is a failure” argument. Rig government to fail. Then point out government fails. Privatize the service. Profit.

Set up a disastrous response and not support people. Potentially watch depression and suicide rise. Blame depression and suicide on government response to the virus. Profit by getting poor voters to again vote for the rich.

A bit disingenuous if you’ve read this thread at all pardner. Color me suspicious.


Nah, it’s good to post stuff and then get the correct answer. That’s been huge theme of this thread and it’s predecessors.


I think I’m like 98% recovered from Covid. Still a little stuffed up, a little tired. Being “mildly” sick as a young healthy person is way, way worse for your mental health than not being able to eat at fucking Applebee’s.

Video calling my gf who I live with on Xmas because I was quarantined was worse for my mental health then being upset I couldn’t grab a beer or play poker or whatever.

The people arguing to open stuff up and using mental health etc as a tool when they don’t support increase in funding for help are fucking evil.


So the premise you are floating is that 80,000 Americans developed serious issues that resulted in their deaths due to COVID-19 “lockdowns”. And, as such, had we not “locked down”, these people would be alive and well. And presumably, fewer than 80,000 additional Americans would have died from COVID-19 as a result of releasing people from confinement, thus making the “lockdowns” more deadly than the virus.

There is a lot to unpack there, but the first thing that jumps out is that the increase in the types of deaths you claim would be extremely difficult to attribute solely to “lockdowns”.

How strictly were people truly locked down?

Perhaps some of those that have developed serious issues came about them in part because of the devastating anxiety induced by tons of people around them getting sick and dying in a global contagion?

I don’t doubt that there is a huge toll being exacted by this pandemic outside of those who have become infected and perish.

That said, I kind of doubt that having more people get sick and more people die would be a better idea. I guess maybe we’d just get used to more of our family and friends dying but would end up feeling better being able to catch a movie after their funerals?

Edit: I see your replies and am not attacking you or claiming you deeply hold the position you were asking about. Peace and love.


Keep an eye out for the long term shit. It’s not super common but not unheard of with heart, clots etc. The gf never pozzed?

I mean, certainly yes on making sure that you aren’t citing a study by a guy who wrote a book entitled “You’re Hired: Untold Successes and Failures of a Populist President” before you ask the forum whether they are giving a proper emotional weight to suicides, which just so happens to be the rallying cry for anti-mask anti-lockdown nuts


No, she tested negative ~5 days after I did. Never had any symptoms. Luckily she was off for Xmas as a teacher but her quarantine lasted the entire break. We quarantined before I got tested and even a few days after I was cleared by the government as I still had symptoms.

Maybe I’m dumb but in my early 30s not worried about most of that? It’s been above 0 here lately but Winnipeg in winter with gyms being closed doesn’t help me rebuild my stamina.

Even with what I would describe as a mild case of Covid, that is still the 2nd most sick I’ve been as an adult and definitely the longest I had flu like symptoms. After one poker trip where I spent 12+ hours for ~5 days playing I was really bad for like 2 days a few years back but I could take cold medication and just reset. Couldn’t do the same with Covid.


I make my comments as the father of a son that went into Alcohol rehab during this.

I hate that he is going through this so much alone because our society has fucked this up so bad. I worry about the worst every damn day, and I know exactly what the worst is first hand.

(Not a response to you amead, just want those not in the know where I’m coming from and not being cavalier at all with people suffering with the isolation and economic fallout of our response).


Eh, just listen to your body and maybe be quicker to go in and get checked if something feels off.

Very glad to hear she is fine!

Link says 30k, not 80k???

I also cannot imagine the depression a non psychopath would have if their actions infected a family member or friend and they got seriously sick.

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I don’t mind being viewed as suspicious. I was briefly concerned about the numbers I saw and specifically wanted to ask it here.

I will read up on some of this thread as I admit that I am probably the least educated person on COVID out of everyone here.

Good post. Absurd that you’re viewed with suspicion right after it.


I don’t think it was personal, but we clearly have to explain why those kind of views are harmful because leaders in the US (and some other places) have used similar views to justify policies that have led to so many unnecessary deaths

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No problem. Tread a little light at first, we get some wildcards from time to time. Plus we have our own little spats as you will see.

Think general consensus is

-Covid deaths way up
-Mental health deaths up but how much and is it Covid related. Assume at least some.
-Traffic deaths down
-Communicable disease deaths down
-Heart/cancer- probably up but only due to Covid in cases of local hospitals overwhelmed and people avoiding care.

Covid up is by far the biggest year over year change. Possible that some younger demographic it gets in the range of even-I don’t know. But bottom line it doesn’t have to be this way.

Best current estimate is the true Covid toll is roughly 40% higher than reported, based in excess death calcs. So we are pushing 450k+ in all reality in the US.

Suspicious isn’t a meant as a strong word, since I used it explicitly. Just reserving judgement so to speak.

I don’t think there is anything wrong with letting him know his comments fit a pattern we’ve seen before.

I appreciate the responses.

It’s likely to happen again. People will read the first post and think “Aww, hell no…”. This may cause them to take a few shots before reading the rest of the thread where they can discover that Formula has come around.

Has come around? Come around from what? He heard something that was wrong and got it deconstructed and corrected. Yes. But, come around? Was he a covid denier a few hours ago?


Come around to the realization that his source was a piece of shit.