COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

My pony is late but has different detail?

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Oklahoma is OK.


banner day for covid

I still don’t have mine from July 2nd. I don’t think it’s happening at this point.

There are a lot of good comments about that 100-person study in this reddit thread if anyone’s interested. Biggest question seems to be how serious elevated troponin levels are.

Troponins don’t indicate clinically significant permanent damage. It does indicate damage and stress to the heart muscle which does not regenerate, but it does not necessarily cause a measurable decrease of heart function.

For that, you’d need long term follow up with echos, ekgs, and/or stress tests.

Elevated troponins is not uncommon in people with any severe illness, especially if they have underlying heart disease. Elevated troponins alone does NOT mean the patient is having a heart attack without other supporting evidence.

Fun fact, about 40-50% of people that complete marathons have elevated troponins for 2-3 days after the event, So I agree it does indicate stress and possibly some damage to conclude permanent damage just on troponins is premature. As stated they will have to follow these people long term to see what happens. Even at that point all hope isn’t lost as there are existing treatments to improve quality of life with people with heart failure, and there are some exciting treatments that they are looking into with stem cells. In fact, if this does become an issue for recovered COVID patients long term it might actually encourage more investment into heart research and in the long run give people with heart failure an even better quality and quantity of life.

I’d be more concerned about long term lung damage such as pulmonary fibrosis. That would more likely cause problems with intense exercise than your heart. So far a lot of people are reporting difficulty with intense exercise a few months out, but I suspect most will recover fully. You’re right to be concerned. Stay safe

Reading this, I’m not concerned. These are pretty common sounding findings with myocarditis which can be found with a lot of viral infections and other illnesses (auto immune, etc). Essentially all this article tells us is that COVID causes myocarditis, which we already suspected clinically and fits with the MISC (Kawasaki like disease) we see in kids as well. This may result in long term findings for a few, but is unlikely to do so for the vast majority. Interesting from a confirmation of suspicions perspective, but doesn’t really change a lot.

I was wondering about that. When was the last time you followed up?

I called a little less than 2 weeks after my test. I haven’t bothered since because it is basically irrelevant at this point.

The sumo wrestler who violated COVID protocols might get ejected from sumo for life.

In that respect, Japanese sumo is about as far as you can get from the world of American professional sports, where all kinds of crimes are overlooked as long as the athlete in question is productive, and even a convicted child abuser like Adrian Peterson can find employment and be feted by the media despite being wholly unrepentant and admitting to still hitting children.

The JSA has no qualms about handing down what are essentially lifetime bans for first time offenders — even if those offenses don’t result in prosecutions or break any of the JSA’s own rules.


Stands to reason that the more talented person is also a smarter one. And more badass in every way.


Parents still testing positive 3 weeks after last test and still have symptoms though they’re mild now.

Wife’s uncle died. Time from showing symptoms to death, about a week and a half. He was 76 though, but in good health.


People elected this man to represent them and make decisions for them on national policy.

To be honest. Not sure why they are surprised.


Fuck. This “leopard” can’t spell. Be right back.


No one cares any more



In fairness. This is why we need more effective political representation.


3rd time lucky?


Omfg. I’m out of email addresses.



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In our defence. No one ever claimed we were competent.


Yesterday Japan crossed two undesirable milestones:

  1. First day of over 1000 recorded cases nationwide in a single day.
  2. Over 1000 total deaths.

The government’s response? Send another round of masks to every household. Never mind that unlike before, masks are already available in abundance throughout the country.

GJGE Japan.