COVID-19: Chapter 5 - BACK TO SCHOOL

Since we are in the business of wild speculation: gradeschool kids are absolutely going back to school in august/september almost everywhere. Most blue state colleges will be mostly distance modalities, most red state colleges will be in person, and then inevitably close.

If you read the pediatric association release, you will find that they say the kids need school, but that schools should require masks, space all desks a minimum of 3 feet apart, eliminate locker usage, eliminate lunch, and install plexiglass in various places (like around teachers desks).

What we are getting is Reopeners waiving around the article to say kids should go back but not implementing any of the safety measures.

Think also of what the kids are going back to if the measures are implemented - it’s not school in any recognizable form. They can’t play with each other, do group projects, eat together, participate in music or clubs, etc.

Look now who comes out caring for “racial disparities”.

Black kids don’t have the internet at home? Wow, maybe fix that problem?!

Imagine the school bus ride on a rainy August afternoon in the south during a sars epidemic.

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My wife runs flu clinics for middle school students every year, and says it takes 5-6 nurses administering shots to get through ~200 students in 2 hours, so about 15-20 vaccines/nurse/hour.

Also, since we are pro-union, let’s do an 8-hour day with at least an hour of break time. So 105-140 doses/nurse/day, plus 1 shift supervisor/intake person to keep things moving for every 10 people administering shots.

So roughly 100 shots per person-day = 3000000 person-days, or 100000 person-months. So like 10,000 people doing nothing but COVID vaccine clinics for a year. Or, like the flu, distribute the vaccine widely, and have hundreds of thousands to millions of people administering shots.

Fwiw it’s been hot af for a month here, snowbirds go back to wherever so maybe not as big a factor right now.

You can’t close schools without giving UBI to poor people, hence there is approximately a 100.00% chance that schools will be open this fall. If there’s one thing we know about America, it’s that poor people can fuck off and get fucked for all the fucks the GOP gives.

I set myself a reminder to come back and look at this. Grinded my face off today, as per usual on the weekends. After 5,700 hands of poker today, my brain is failing.

I’ve had friends ask me several questions in the last month to which I just shake my head and say, “Do you want the answer of what a developed country should so? Or do you want to discuss what’s actually in play in America?”

So fucking frustrating. Like, we should be investing in tons of PPE and creative classroom protection. We should be doing creative things with staggered work weeks that would allow us to stagger school days to keep class size down. We should be investing in distance learning for high school kids, at least, who are old enough to stay home themselves. Testing out the ass. Outdoor learning where possible.

We should be paying a team of our finest epidemiologists and a team of our finest educators to get in a room and brainstorm and come up with creative ways to do this.

We also never should have been in a spot where poor people rely on schools to literally feed their kids.

But here we are, and we’re not going where we should go.

Two questions:

  1. They don’t count their cases either though, right? So it doesn’t impact mortality rate.

  2. Does anyone count those cases or does Florida say “Nope, they don’t live here, not ours,” and the other state says, “They didn’t contract it here, not ours.” I assume this is what’s happening.

It’s a feature, not a bug.

Let 400 million guns get out and then say, “Sorry, libtard, the toothpaste it out of the tube you stupid little snowflake, what do you wanna do? Too late now. Cry about it!”

Separate thousands of kids from their parents and then say, “Sorry, we can’t find the parents now. We don’t have the records. Here, libtards, let the ACLU do it. They shouldn’t have come here in the first place!”

Open too early, create tons of active cases and then say, “Sorry snowflakes, it’s too late now, a shutdown won’t even do us any good! What do you want to do? Shutdown forever??? Gotta live with it now! It’s just the flu anyway, you silly liberals.”

Students. No, wait, that’s not it. Student-athletes. Umm, no, wait. I’ll get it… Academic standards. No, I messed it up again.

Well that’s one way to address our country’s childhood obesity problem. Not so sure it’s the best way, though.

What about active shooter drills? Can they still do those?

I mean, kids are going to be less orderly than adults I would think. They don’t just line up 50-100 of them at once, I assume. Also, this is a situation where there isn’t going to be much chit chat going on. Have your sleeve rolled up before you get to the front of the line, bam, there you go. Put your own band aid on.

I guess one problem is that they are probably supposed to keep changing gloves for each person, right?

Or let’s just pay time and a half or double time.

It’s going to need to be an all of the above approach imo. Distribute it widely, set up state and federal sites, etc, etc.


This includes the list we had from above plus also that the expected lag from positive to test to death is longer because positives are being detected much earlier on average- more testing and shorter turnaround time for results.

It does not cover desantinanigans in FL etc.

The eventual vaccine with be available at for profit outlets for $500 a pop or something. It will be completely voluntary to get and a lot of people won’t get it because like half the country doesn’t have $500 a person to spare or they are anti-vax.

I personally think you guys are crazy to think that there is going to be a nationwide free vaccine drive. I know that is what they are saying now but I have a hard time believing it. Maybe if Biden wins. If Trump wins the right will call widespread access socialism and allow Astra Zeneca to charge whatever they want.

You’re forgetting the chance to grift here. There can be a nationwide free vaccine drive AND Astra Zeneca can charge whatever they want. The government will pay for it.


That’s socialism bud. Also you may be right.

I haven’t seen this posted yet:

21 year old Penn St. student contracts virus on or near Penn St. campus and dies.

Of course he’s right. America’s aversion to socialism has a giant carve out for cases where the money goes to a corporation.

Counterpoint: Remisdivir.

That’s for the treatment of Covid. We don’t need that because there are no cases, ldo.

There are many reasons for the persistent low death rate (for instance in Florida), and they can all be true at once.

But despite youngs, riggage, previous declines in positive rate, lag time, etc, Florida’s 7dma for deaths has climbed from around 30 in mid-June to 45 now. So it’s not like it hasn’t budged.

And July 4 is a terrible data point to fixate on anyways. Sunday is always the day with the lowest death count. For whatever reason non-work days have a lot of missed deaths that are not reported until the next day.

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So LA county didn’t report any new cases Friday or Saturday. Are we going to have 5k+ from that county alone today?

Ya i don’t know what was up with that. Several larger counties in Texas did not report either. I can only assume it is 4th of July related.

From the Worldometer footnotes for USA, July 3rd:

California : Los Angeles County has not reported data today "“Public Health will be improving our data processing systems and will not report data beginning on Friday, July 3rd until Monday, July 6th.” [source]


I didn’t make this.