Forcing myself to be a little less lazy, yes. In the article, Fauci says maybe 5 somethings. Also says we may know if the first something (the Moderna vaccine) is “efficacious” by end of this year. Sounds good but that’s a lot more optimistic timeline than others have predicted for a successful vaccine. Is it realistic?

Cycling people through jails is going to be disastrous though. Especially when you consider that protestors are a mix of working class people who are at the highest risk of infection and good libs who have been quarantining at home…

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Of course it isn’t realistic. When we’d spent 0 days in social distancing they told us it would be two weeks. Then they said a month. Now it’s 7-8 more months because we’ve gotten through 3 months. In 7-8 months it’ll be 3-4 more months most likely.

They always take the absolute best case scenario and present that to people. I actually think that’s terrible and very nearly the opposite of what I personally do at work (I always give the customer very nearly the worst case scenario and then dial it back and take credit for it). The only time you should be giving people best cases and then eating the consequences when you’re wrong is if it’s VERY bad indeed. The difference between ‘your shipment will be late’ and ‘your shipment is on fire’. In the first situation you tell them it’s going to be 3-4 days late when it’ll probably be possible to get it in tomorrow afternoon but you’re not sure, in the second scenario you start talking about how the packaging looks somewhat inflammable and maybe it won’t be a total loss. I’m in the latter situation basically never, which is what happens when you’re competent.

On social distancing I set my expectation at 24 months and absolutely refuse to change it. I’ll be pleasantly surprised when it’s sooner.


My wife and I are lock-step in staying home, wearing masks, all that, but she is definitely getting antsy. She’s much more social than I am. Just this morning, she was heading to the kitchen and said, “I just want to go somewhere.”

It doesn’t help that some of our friends have announced vacation plans or have had get-togethers with neighbors (I believe socially-distanced, but still).

On the bright side, I think it made her eager to go grocery shopping this weekend so I didn’t have to. Then again, I’m a better shopper.

wtf? No. There’s 2 stores closed in Minneapolis area.

Thank fucking god


Heh. Pretty sure I remember in March there were some people warning that ibuprofen exacerbated or hastened the effects of COVID-19. Hypotheses only, no actual controlled medical studies. I remember going to the pharmacy to pick up acetaminophen as a result.


“Interesting how now we are not being bombarded with Corona virus anymore? … now we don’t hear about corona virus? This deadly virus what happened to it? Why aren’t they talking about it now? I feel like Ive been lied to.” - instagram

I hear you but that’s a slippery slope way to think. It would take you to things like “no need to drive defensively, all the other drivers are idiots and might plow into me anyway”. Like, it’s logically sound but still - “control what you can control” is a pretty damn good heuristic for living your life. I don’t think it’s insane to recalibrate your risk analysis but I wouldn’t just give up.


We were down to 2 active cases in the city and area where I live and things were looking pretty good all things considered… That is until a couple days when a doctor who works at the hospital but doesn’t actually live full time in the city tested positive. He has a home in southern Ontario where he and his family lives but another home here where he works. Now the hospital has tested 250 patient and staff. Tests are supposed to came back today. Hopefully this isn’t a complete disaster and no one actually got it from him.

Yeah I guess I’m more talking about risk recalibration. The odds of avoiding this entirely have fallen significantly thanks to Trump and Co. That doesn’t mean you should be going to Disneyland or having orgies with ugly people but it does mean something I think. Like I can get takeout. Good thing JT is busy with emigrating, hope he doesn’t see that.


This 100s of millions of doses of vaccine available right after the election is entirely political propaganda.

That is standard response to first time ever or first time long time nicotine ingestion.

It decreases in impact very quickly with use.

Here are the dozen states on a clear upswing. These are 7 day averages so that helps confidence the change is real. Small caveat for last weekend being A holiday.


Probably, but at the same time I could see it as a way to accidentally make some people do the right thing, at least for a while. “Oh wait I was ready to say fuck this and go to the bar maskless, but if I just have to make it to the end of the year…I mean I’d really feel stupid getting sick and dying in those last few months in between…I guess I can stick it out until then.”

Whereas if they paint it as this just being a blind stab and the realistic date the average Joe can get vaccinated effectively will be 2022 or something, then that same person definitely says “yeah that’s like forever from now I’m just gonna yolo it”.

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I get my circumstances are different than most people but I’ve pretty much accepted to social distance and isolate as much as possible until Fall 2021. I think it’s better psychologically than “OK, 2 more weeks. OK, another month. OK, end of summer…”

I just went camping for 4 days. Made my reservation online, didn’t have to check in or anything. Closest anyone came to me was passing me on hiking trails. IMO, you can still go out and do fun shit. You just have to approach it differently.


The wife and I are going camping in Santa Fe National Forest in 2 weeks. We are really looking forward to it as we are avid travelers and normally have tons of activities planned out throughout the year. So this year has been weird. I totally agree with you that you can socially distance and still have lots of things that can be done safely that are awesome you just have to be willing to change it up a bit.

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Not that I’m a fan of boomers, but this is the first I’ve heard anyone blame them for Covid. I assume you mean the handling of it and not the disease itself. I have no problem blaming boomers for our corrupt system and leaving us in a mess. Not sure about the fascism part tho. Most of the super fanatical Trump supporters I see are actually quite young. It might be a mistake to underestimate how many young peeps are racist and wannabe fascists

Still very slowly trending downward, despite us being a month into the Grand Reopening.




Here is a new visualization. Above the red line the daily counts are increasing. The far right side means the states are at their peak daily case rate.

Alaska and Hawaii are off the charts because law of small numbers. Few extra cases one day can really impact the math.

OR and WA rebounding. CA TX AL NC and AZ are hot spots due to rate of increase and population potential.