I’m shocked that I’m even saying this, but some things are more important (justice and peace, not jobs and eating out) and this is one of them.

Cases are going to explode. People will die. We may need to lock down longer.

And all of the consequences of these new cases are laid at the feet of the racist cops and the shitty leadership we have. The deaths are on their hands.


If anything it’s even less likely when Trump’s fixated on tweeting about his domestic crises.

Fuck. If the crowd isn’t mostly wearing masks I might show up yell “Black Lives Matter I love you all put on some masks and keep it up!” And then turn around and go home lol…

Reading that kind of shook me up a bit, I thought the asthma was mostly considered not a big deal now with COVID-19.

Scientists are running a trial to see if ibuprofen can help hospital patients who are sick with coronavirus.

The team from London’s Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospital and King’s College believe the drug, which is an anti-inflammatory as well as a painkiller, could treat breathing difficulties.

They hope the low-cost treatment can keep patients off ventilators.

It was already being abandoned as people realised it was all for naught in the first place. You flatten the curve so that there’s time to put resources in place to mitigate the damage. Turns out all those resources were spent buying tear gas and XXXL body armour for nazi pigs. Might as well go herd immunity if the state is trying to kill you anyway.


Is that mask fashioned from magic underwear?

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The crazy thing about where we are at now is that the best case scenario still is worse than what 95% of people out there expect to happen. If the protests bring about real change we will still have a raging pandemic that we are completely unprepared to deal with.

And yet basically the entire public had given up caring about Covid prior to the protests. STONKS are up every day. Everyone around me is making summer travel plans and back to posting brunch pics.

We are now on 6 days of week over week growth in case numbers and those are almost entirely pre-protest numbers. Put me in the category of protesting this being more important than the Covid consequences. Especially considering we weren’t much of anything in the first place anyways. Especially because a “second wave” was always happening here anyways.

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India vs Pakistan is far more likely to happen than US vs Russia.

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Also, any spike in cases no matter what the actual cause is going to be blamed on the protests and used an excuse to crush them with very extreme tactics.

We’re not even half way through 2020 yet.

Maybe, maybe not. US v Russia is the only civilization ending threat though. And, the greatest risk for nuclear war atm is probably from something accidental and there’s more opportunity with more weapons.

The number of people protesting is still small compared with Americans going about every day life. Particularly in a man hour sense. The number of people contracting the virus from protests will be tiny.

Also this:

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Also what’s not going to be counted: the number of lives saved by these protests shutting down businesses… businesses that shouldn’t be “opening up” now to begin with.

IIRC Target alone has closed all their MN & CA stores. How many Target workers, vendors, and the general public is that going to save right there?


Free COVID tests available to all New Yorkers (at least in the city, not sure if statewide)

In my little hell hole in rural Ohio, we’ve went from 32 cases a week ago to 60 cases as of yesterday. We hadn’t had any deaths until yesterday and 2 died yesterday. We’ve still only tested 122 people total in our county. There is basically no mask wearing going on here. And basically back to business as usual, though it never changed much to begin with.

Unfortunately, there is quite a bit of tension between my wife and I. She just can’t handle the social isolation and wants to just pretend like everything’s normal.

Hell one of my sister’s who’s a pharmacist in a hospital near Dayton, and another that’s a nurse practitioner in Columbus don’t even seem to be taking it very seriously at all anymore. I guess our governor’s response was too good. He needed to let it get worse so people would take it seriously.

So we’ll have hundreds of millions of vials of something we may be able to distribute and administer if it works and is safe?

Of quite a few somethings. We’re not just doing one.

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A week or 2 ago, I went to a funeral that seemed like a pretty high risk situation. So I decided I’d wear one of the 7mcg nicotine patches that I bought awhile back in case it ends up being confirmed helpful. I’ve had basically no nicotine exposure in my life. Fuck. Within an hour I was very light headed, but kept it on. It got worse to where I was on the verge of throwing up. I had to take it off within about 1.5 hours, and I was still miserable for the rest of the night. I guess it’s just not for me.

This sounds rough and my girlfriend and I are in a similar situation. She wants to try going to one of the restaurants around here that are open, because they’re outside of town and don’t have to follow the rules, and I think she’s crazy for thinking that’s okay. We happened to drive by this particular restaurant a week ago and saw that the parking lot was crazy packed. Like three times as many cars as it has when it’s busy during normal times. Maybe they’re all there for pickup orders, but it was insane.

The vaccine news is great but it seems like one of two things about the future of Covid-19 is likely true:

1)Either the virus is not as bad as we think in some way (mortality rate is lower than we think or it is not as contagious) in which case the vaccine will still be nice but by early 2021 it will likely have mostly worked it’s way through the vulnerable and most of the rest of us will either have immunity or not really be susceptible to it.


2)We are headed for a world of hurt long before early 2021. Significant exponential growth from here will have us reaching herd immunity or close by the time these vaccines come out. That is assuming we do not have lockdowns to stop outbreaks as we move forward.

Now don’t get me wrong, we should be working on a vaccine for the virus but I just don’t see how a vaccine that will be widely available in 7-8 months is going to be a huge gamechanger. Either this thing is going to be really bad or it isn’t and we will likely know that long before early 2021. Fauci also said that the duration of immunity for a vaccine might be limited. I actually think the vaccine is worth more if that is the case because it implies we only temporarily get anitbodies from actually getting the virus. So you would need an annual Covid booster shot or whatever. In that scenario the vaccine matters a lot.

I don’t know guys, I’m almost to the point where I wear a mask and just go on with daily life. Hadn’t left my 400 sq ft condo for weeks before protesting, but I think the big positive outcome of isolating, never getting covid, is an impossibility now in USA#1. What we do won’t save us, everyone else will bring us down.

I’m still isolating for now, but at a certain point the benefits of doing the right thing get tanked hard by everyone else doing the wrong thing.

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