This. Never forget Trump dumped gasoline all over America and then waited for someone to drop a match so he could claim victory for putting out the blaze.


Ha, me too, but I always do. Iā€™m such a loner, I donā€™t like people very much. These are beautiful people and I still like them mostly in the abstract. Iā€™m heartened by the studies about wearing masks and being outside, but I fully expect a lot of new cases from the protests, thereā€™s just too much close contact, sitting, and slow moving.

But yeah, shit is fucked for real. Maybe this is going down because of the pandemic but itā€™s pretty awful timing. Change my mind.

Itā€™s definitely pretty bad, but Iā€™d strongly suggest avoiding the rage machines (Twitter, news coverage, etc.) as much as possible. For me, finding a balance between being informed enough and not falling down the various society-is-collapsing rabbit holes of outrage works best. I personally find nothing useful to be gained from soaking in and absorbing all of that vitriol - I have a pretty good handle on what I believe to be wrong, how bad it is, and I just donā€™t need to stew in it 24x7x365, especially when I canā€™t personally do much about any of it.

I hope everyone is staying safe, both from the virus and the unrest. This too shall pass.


86 crew on US fishing vessel test positive

Eighty-six crew members on a fish processing vessel on the US West Coast have tested positive for coronavirus, Reuters reports. The ship has a capacity of 142.

Workers on the American Seafoods ship American Dynasty were tested on Sunday in the port of Bellingham, Washington.

Employees in US food processing factories have been particularly vulnerable to coronavirus.

Twenty meat plants closed in May after thousands of workers were infected. Close working conditions and pressure to keep factories open to supply the food market are thought to be partly to blame for the outbreaks.

NJ governor announcing Stage 2 of reopening starts June 15.

I donā€™t know if heā€™s a good governor and this is the first press conference Iā€™ve watched, but heā€™s very impressive. He has spoken a lot about the civil rights issues in addition to the COVID updates.

Michigan open for business now.

My city instituted a city wide curfew for 8pm and announced it at 7:05 pm that evening (last night). Had to rush home from like 45 mins away to make it in time and just barely made it back.

Iā€™m in costa mesa so it seems a little weird to me theyre instituting a curfew, to my knowledge thereā€™s been no real problems with protesters. But thereā€™s been so much news to follow maybe I missed something.

Yeah Iā€™d suspect itā€™s all super close-quarters living with very minimal personal space.

Yea for sure. I have a few friends that worked on these boats. They share tiny rooms/bathrooms etc. itā€™s a miserable job.

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Itā€™s a 300 foot ship with 150 people on it. Pretty close quarters Iā€™d imagine.

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The processing lines are all below deck.

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Louisiana is Phase 2ing except for New Orleans. The Mayor here is being pretty cautious, looks like she might just open up a few more parts of Phase 1 she declined to allow a few weeks back.

If I donā€™t let me mother in law come visit soon then I might be removed from the family. Going to ask her to self isolate as much as she can for 7 days and visit for a couple before I have to go back in to work.

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Yeah weā€™re opening up our kiddo to both sets of grandparents. Theyā€™ve both been taking things super serious and weā€™re gonna need them to start helping us watch her soon anyway, so we figured it was low enough risk to give the green light.

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We hit the 4th straight day of week over week growth even with most of the hardest hit spots like LA/NY/NJ/MI continuing to significantly decline. A few more days and this wonā€™t be noise it will be a legitimate trend.

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I want to see what happens as the week progresses. Last weekend was a holiday weekend so probably more underreporting than normal Fri-Mon.

Regardless itā€™s not good but I wonā€™t be surprised if turns out to be a blip that looks flat over the next week. Then we shall see if weather or opening dominates the curve direction for June.

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It just feels like people here think itā€™s all behind us now especially with the riots now. Less than half wearing masks in stores.

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By ā€œLAā€ are we talking about Los Angeles or Louisiana?

Not me. Iā€™d be out protesting if it wasnā€™t for COVID.

Layman spitballing here but Ive wondered if possibly the temporary coating of the lungs with tar or resin that occurs with smoking acts as a barrier.

Obviously if youve smoked enough your could have diminished lungs that put you in the high risk category.