The one thing I remember about Candlestick from TV is all the maintenance equipment and other crap in plain view beyond the outfield fence.

The thing you didnā€™t get to experience from TV is that no matter the time of day, the time of year, etc etc, if you were in the shade at the Stick, you were freezing your fucking balls off.

WE dressed in multiple layers every time we went to the stick so we could take off our layers as the sun moved into our section and then redress when the shade moved in lest we freeze to death.


With the outbreak of covid among miners on the Czech-Pole border now contained, most of the focus wrt covid19 has been recovering economically. Admittedly, I havenā€™t been following a lot of this but it seems that they expanded their daily payout for independent contractors and waived social security contributions for businesses with 50 or fewer employees for the next 3 months so long as they didnā€™t fire more than 10% of their workforce due to coronavirus. They also lowered the VAT on accommodation and tourist attractions to stimulate tourism.

There have been also been border openings with some restrictions. The Czech-German and Czech-Austrian land borders are now open with almost no restrictions. The Czech-Slovak and Czech-Hungarian borders are open with some restrictions. Czech citizens can travel without quarantine to Hungary and Slovakia so long as they stay for no longer than 48 hours. Poland, however, has not agreed to open their border with the Czech Republic and will keep it closed until June 12th.

In short, things are definitely looking up here and in many other European countries. At this point, the hotspots seem to be in the Americas.

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Lived kind of by diamond oaks golf course. ATT park. Never made it to candlestick which I regret.

Of course

Just talked to my mom (who has hypertension). Sounds like suburban KC is pretty much done with covid. They went to a restaurant, had a family get together, neighbor kids came over. I told her my concerns about not just dying but long term health effects like lung damage and chronic fatigue syndrome. Sheā€™d never heard of that. Sigh.

I have 3 step/parents and 5 aunts/uncles and their spouses to worry about. I assume thereā€™s going to be at least one funeral over this before itā€™s over.

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Hopefully nothing bad will happen and everyone will look back and remember crazy Suzzer during the virus and laugh and laugh.

Unfortunate that is the best case scenario.

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And you probably shouldnā€™t even go to that funeral.

But I still need to go back to KC for my support.

Friston is a pretty highly regarded neuroscientist who is notorious for being impossible to understand:

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That was painful to read. Good luck to AJM for the next two or three years, for the rest of his lifetime, for as long as it takes.


Or that.

So, uh, these massive protests seemā€¦kinda bad for virus containment?


One would think. Should put the summer outdoors theory to the test once and for all at least.

It might seem that way at first blush, but I find that if you just try really really hard not to think about it, you wonā€™t find it too worrisome.


This infuriates me at first glance but if it wasnā€™t the protests it would be something else. Immigrants, liberal mayors, liberal governors, etc. There is no scenario ever where the right takes any responsibility for anything ever. There is no scenerio ever where the right says getting OPEN FOR BUSINESS so MAGA shitstains can hit cracker barrel and get a bowl cut was the culprit. The battle lines are already drawn and no one with a brain is going to scapegoat protesters. So for me I just keep unfriending/unfollowing/blocking phone numbers of people who send me this stuff and my life improves every time.


Good news:

This article doesnā€™t give much detail but says the 5 day course of Remisdivir improves duration of hospital stay rates on day 11 vs. not taking it. It does not mention a statistically significant difference in mortality rate so no clue if that was shown by this study or not. The 10 day course did not show statistically significant improvement. It will be interesting to see the raw data if anyone finds it.

Bad News:

Our 7 day average for new cases has increased for 3 days straight, albeit slightly, for the first time in about a month. It will be interesting to see if that is noise in the data or reality over the next couple weeks. It does appear we have been trending slightly up/flat since about May 10th or so really which is pretty alarming when you consider the steep decreases in NY/NJ since that time.

I left the LA protest on Saturday early not because of the potential for unrest, but because of virus worries. Thousands of people shoulder-to-shoulder, screaming/chanting slogans. Even with masks it was freaking me out. I insisted on staying on the fringes of the crowd, which annoyed my teenager enough that eventually they just wanted to leave.

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