Yeah that is true for sure. But not sure if that is enough to prevent this going endemic.

I was expecting Mrs. Crab to politely make a well-reasoned post, then she came off the top rope swinging a folding chair. Fantastic!


Redacted for privacy.

My parents are doing everything right and I feel terrible for them. Theyā€™re lonely and bored and justifiably pissed off that one of their early retirement years, during which they planned a bunch of international travel, is lost. I have my differences with them but I really feel for them.


Yeah my parents had little planned, a cruise later this year and I was going to take them to the Grand Canyon. Itā€™ll keep. But his patience is gone.

Iā€™m jealous of people whoā€™s parents are taking this seriously. Until yesterday mine were and then that news got dropped on me. I had been grateful I got him off Fox News a few years ago, but it looks like they pulled him back in in his retirement.

I know that means the racism and sexism and selfishness will only get worse from here. Probably 50-50 to vote for Trump now, and he currently hates him. Give Fox 5 months to drill into his brain and heā€™ll be full-asshole.

Thatā€™s basically why my plan was to take advantage of my childless/wifeless status + being lucky to have a well-paying job for the last 20 years, and semi-retire about now and become a nomad at age 51. You just never whatā€™s going to happen by retirement age imo.

I figure the worst case scenario is I burn through the entire nest egg w/o much supplemental income and/or live to 90. In which case Iā€™ll just live off SS in Honduras or something.

I donā€™t think too many people my size live to be 90 though. And dementia runs rampant in my family - another reason to do this stuff now.


Canā€™t you just block Fox News on his TV using the parental control? I mean, they call it parental control for a reason.


I feel for you, but you can only control what you can control, and you canā€™t live their lives for them. Say your piece and let them make their own decisions. Trust me, scolding them wonā€™t do a lick of good.

Feel free to explain what their choices mean vis a vis spending time with you moving forward, but you need to be at peace with their decision.


Very high antibody seroprevalence in a historical study on blood samples in Milan:

A study by Milanā€™s Polyclinic hospital indicates the coronavirus was circulating in the Italian city before the first domestically transmitted case was confirmed in a town less than an hour away.

The study of a random sample of blood donors with no symptoms showed that 4.6 per cent already had antibodies against the virus at the start of the epidemic.

That percentage rose to 7 per cent by the beginning of April, when Italy was under lockdown.

The researchers analysed samples from 800 blood donations between February 8 and April 24

The first domestically transmitted disease was recorded on February 21.

Iā€™m considering it but heā€™s not that much of a moron with tech, so it might backfire.

Just shoot his TV with a bazooka. Thatā€™s something he can probably understand.


I highly recommend this blog In The Pipeline, this guy works in pharma drug development and everything heā€™s posting about COVID is worth reading. I linked some of his D614G stuff before. Lately heā€™s posted a slew of articles about vaccine candidates, plus this:

This bit is interesting. CD4+ cells are a subtype of T-cell, itā€™s explained in the article if you read the whole thing. Itā€™s not the same thing as having antibodies but itā€™s a step in getting there.

And hereā€™s something to think about: in the unexposed patients, 40 to 60% had CD4+ cells that already respond to the new coronavirus. This doesnā€™t mean that people have already been exposed to it per se, of course ā€“ immune crossreactivity is very much a thing, and it would appear that many people have already raised a response to other antigens that could be partially protective against this new virus. What antigens those are, how protective this response is, and whether it helps to account for the different severity of the disease in various patients (and populations) are important questions that a lot of effort will be spent answering. As the paper notes, such cross-reactivity seems to have been a big factor in making the H1N1 flu epidemic less severe than had been initially feared ā€“ the population already had more of an immunological head start than thought.

He also has an update on hydroxychloroquine. Cliffs:

So once again, the evidence for benefit is weak and the evidence for adverse events is much stronger. Over and over we see similar results.


If the hydroxychloroquine is what he says, I love it.

Iā€™m starting to get the whole Karen thing.


If you thought it was hard to breath wearing that mask wait until you try COVID-19!


That woman is literally every adult female in the Ohio suburbs.


Illinois might be the most currently infested state in the US. WTF.

So they want to open for business but like not really? I mean it seems silly to open for business and then complain when business booms.

Fuck her, and fuck everyone like her. Fucking snowflake weak ass full of shit garbage human beings, all of em.

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Prepare for a lot of confused takes like this from the morons around this country as they grapple with the bed theyā€™ve made for themselves.

Morbidly, Iā€™m at the point of looking forward to it. They donā€™t give a fuck about people with underlying health issues or old folks, so good riddance.