COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

I can’t see the word going back to large scale masking or cancelling events unless maybe vaccinated or children start dropping. It would be nice if we could all just adjust to the real time conditions, but we apparently can’t. Just a another reason to not get nice things.

Anything on morbidity in this wave? Similar to Omicron 1.0 with largely hitting the morons (not trying to dismiss the impact on the vulnerables or the just plain unlucky).

Haven’t seen any mortality data yet but I’m guessing it’s just too early

I’m hoping for the killallthemoronsbutleaveeveryoneelsealone variant.


Maybe we’re ok?

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Sounds like it is mostly non serious symtpoms and people likely testing at home. Im sure the numbers are higher than is being presented but hopefully not putting a ton of people into the ER like BA 1

Hopefully 1 and 2 are similar enough and close enough in time that infection acquired immunity blunts the wave in these YOLO United States.

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If it takes a couple months for BA.1-acquired protection vs BA.2 to wane enough to get infected in large numbers, I could see BA.2 quickly ripping through the handful of unvaxxed folks who didn’t catch BA.2 or who had their vaccines wane enough to now catch BA.2 after dodging BA.1, then subsiding and kind of slow-burning through the population as people see their existing protection wane.

She had to Pokémon go to the doctor.


I’m not sure, and the big question for me before I call it a good outcome would be: are we confident that long covid is not an issue with the mild infections?

I dont understand this chart. It seems to suggest a 35% mortality rate within the first year for control group. This doesnt seem like a typical nursing home cohort.


Starts off with a game of Follow the Money which includes Kochs, Walton Foundation and Peter Thiel. Then it goes downhill.


I’m shocked EO’s motives are anything but pure.



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Seems like 10^6 is a milestone the media should be reporting about more.

Everyone here who was stanning for her back in the day should take a moment and think about the fact that they were duped by someone backed by Koch and Thiel money, and that it was obvious enough at the time that her takes were trash that several of us pointed it out and said she was acting in economic interest not human/medical interest.

The Koch connection is new info for me, I think.

Kids spreading viruses all over the place is such a common part of life. It’s wild to me that people accepted EO’s idea it wouldn’t happen without any explanation why. This one’s just magically different, I guess.


But many if those people would have died anyway. And many of them were no angels. NO ANGELS!

quite tragic. in a rational world no other states should have death rates approaching NJ/NY.