COVID-19: Chapter 10 - Mission Achomlished!

It definitely should not.

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Given SARS-CoV-2ā€™s essentially total reliance on ACE2 for infection, I would not be the least bit surprised if there were a version of this gene out there that is resistant. Thatā€™s not necessarily an explanation for your experiences (there may be others), but itā€™s a reasonable hypothesis. Iā€™m not aware of any research into the subject, but Iā€™d also be surprised if no one is currently kicking around the idea.


maybe yea but Iā€™m talking like, I test several days in a row after spending 5 days in heavily crowded poker rooms in vegas, or last ā€œscareā€ was when my entire household had it and I didnā€™t get it either, been closely exposed a handful of other times and nothing.

Iā€™m sure itā€™s likely got it at some point, but I figured reinfections are pretty common and I actually donā€™t even leave my house that much so itā€™s pretty easy to pinpoint exposure for myself.

Thanks. I have to test negative by October 21 and my understanding is Chinaā€™s standards for what is a positive test are lower.

I assume being on the back end of COVID now (symptoms are all gone) wouldnā€™t be a reason to not get the booster in a few weeks?

Yes, heā€™s been in and out of the hospital with heart issues caused by COVID for months.

I know another guy who was having trouble finishing his sentences due to jumbled thoughts over a year after having covid.

Iā€™ve seen dozens of patients in the ER on disability from things attributed to covid

My understanding is one should wait for 3 months after an infection to get the new boosters.

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Need to know his pre-Covid baseline. No way to tell if trump has new brain fog.

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Admitted someone for Covid yesterday. Admittedly not super serious seeming, but was an admission

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Do you have any insight as to who is dying still?


So no not really

Not a chance.

Itā€™s possible, but i cannot over stress how frequently I tested, using both PCRs and at-home tests, these past few years.

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yea in last 6 months at least ~50 times for me, once they became so easily available. I do not want to expose anyone on accident. Lots of people I interact with are unvaccinated, for some reason.

ā€œfor some reasonā€

I do not understand what you mean by this but I will take it charitably.

ā€œfor some reasonā€ sounds like ā€œI donā€™t want the govt injecting me with a bill gates chipā€

5% of non employees at the airport / plane masked :+1:. Some dude right behind me sneezed 5 times in a row. I counted. :+1::+1:

