COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Really? Didn’t know. Cool.

Tesco too, though they seem to be more swamped. There’s also specifically good CZ produce delivery too, though my hunch is that it’s a bit cheaper (don’t know about safer – different thread, now) to just hit up the Vietnamese markets. Anyway, as you’re well aware, this all seems less critical here at the moment.

Was going to Vietnamese places for a while since nobody’s going there but they’re cash only and I don’t have any bills left. Don’t feel like making the walk to the ATM.

I find these largest daily increase articles annoying. That’s what we expect to happen, ots not news.

Was it the flu?


This was really good.

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Depends imo. Sudden increases or decreases are significant IMO. If it’s business as usual, not so significant.

For example, Czech Republic’s number of new cases and deaths were at the norm. Not newsworthy. The fact that more than half of the hospital recoveries in the CR have come in the last 3 days is newsworthy…Hopefully, the amount of recoveries soon start to outnumber new hospitalizations if they haven’t already. That way, beds and respirators can be freed up.

flu is usually fast severe onset, not mild in the first week. Sounds like Big 'Rona to me.


Your avatar pic was taken when Biden saw that you made that poll anonymous.

Well Anders, thanks for being the control. We shall see what happens. Trends are not good so far.

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Damn I thought I picked show on vote. Can i change it now or no?

Eta-just reposted it un-Bidened.

  • More than 60,400 confirmed USA deaths by 8/4
  • Less than 60,400 confirmed USA deaths by 8/4
  • Hopefully works this time.

0 voters


you could try to edit the post and change it to “public=true” in the poll tag.



I had that in November. I had a regular cold that morphed into the cough thing about a week after I went to SF. The wife thinks I had this pre corona thing people are talking about.

May have mentioned this before that I had a night that went

1 When can I take more cough syrup?
2 How much cough syrup can I take safely?
3 How much cough syrup is fatal?

Fuck it. How much cough syrup do I have left?

Put me in the hard skeptic category for now. Tho It would be awesome to have antibodies that would give me at least some kind of protection.

I guess. I had what I thought was mild flu early March. No one else I was interacting with up to then got sick and I was being pretty careful with handwashing and such. Maybe I got it from some asympomatic bastard, IDK. Seems unlikely.

Update from Finland: 2605 cases / 42 deaths. Haven’t seen one mask during the pandemic while shopping. We like to keep a distance though.

This is how we do it. I’ve been helping them for a week, delivering shopping and pharmacy deliveries. Feels fucking great after working for 10 years for Big4 companies (still do, I’m not an angel).

I’ve been lurking since 22 and I have to say I like/love you most. Not Inso, fuck him.