COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Something like that went around on the east coast spring/early summer 2019. I had it and it took a month to clear. Felt like shit for a couple of days only and then was fine other than periodic hacking fits.

I’m guessing it was just a bad respiratory cold and that whatever hit the west coast fall/early winter 2019 was more likely that thing than CV-19.


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WHO membership is only given to countries that are members of the United Nations - which does not recognise Taiwan - or whose applications are approved by the World Health Assembly.

The WHO is far from the only global body that excludes or does not officially recognise Taiwan - other major examples include the International Olympics Committee and the International Civil Aviation Organization.

State epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, the doctor in charge of the strategy, told me a computer simulation is only as good as the data put in and the assumptions made, and the Imperial College scientists had got their numbers wrong.

doodoodoo doodoodoodoo doodoodoodoo

He said: "Compared to us it is hugely pessimistic. I don’t think any curve in any country has gone as bad as Imperial said it would.


“I just don’t think there is a real connection between lockdowns, closing borders, closing schools and being safer.”


The odds of this virus being a civilization ending event continue to increase.

Your exponential curve chart isn’t counting the extra 40% nyc at home deaths (so 20% overall) or the other undercounting so it’s still off from that alone

Yeah whatever it was wasn’t like any cold I can remember recently - 3-4 weeks. Everyone who got it said the same thing. First week mild, then a week of coughing fits, then takes forever to go away. Usually I fight things off pretty well.

I do have vague memories of having some weird cold that wouldn’t go away when I was much younger.

I had the same thing when I got back from Colombia in early Decmeber. I was waking up most nights feeling like I couldn’t catch my breath and felt congested but never had productive anything and have wondered about it too. But my office mate didn’t get it as I hacked my lungs out for 6 weeks. So very little chance what I had at least was Covid.

I’ve not really ever had a bad flu/cold like ever since a child when I can still remember the vision’s I had lying in my bed at aged 5…I really though that day I was dead, and the fever was really bad.

Only other time I was bed ridden was tonsillitis.

About 51 patients classed as having been cured in South Korea have tested positive again, the CDC said in a briefing on Monday. Rather than being infected again, the virus may have been reactivated in these people, given they tested positive again shortly after being released from quarantine, said Jeong Eun-kyeong, director-general of the Korean CDC.

“While we are putting more weight on reactivation as the possible cause, we are conducting a comprehensive study on this,” Jeong said. “There have been many cases when a patient during treatment will test negative one day and positive another.”

A patient is deemed fully recovered when two tests conducted with a 24-hour interval show negative results.

Paragraph 3 doesn’t really make sense in light of paragraph 2. Could be these people just weren’t really past it yet. Although it could also mean in some individuals it hangs around forever in a mild form - which is also bad.

I had really bad flu over Christmas. My confidence levels in it not being early 'rona has gone from ‘Could be’ - ‘Definitely not, I’m know viruses, me’ - ‘Fuck it, could be’. Gonna stick with Fuck it, could be until we get antibody tests. The possibly-much-higher R0 and the possible weirdness around antibodies means I don’t think even actual experts can say for sure.

I’m still betting on the testing being really bad as the cause for these things. I mean that statement about many instances of negative one day and positive the next either means we have a magic virus or a shitty test.

[quote=“JohnnyTruant, post:1742, topic:1461”] Here’s the model again guise. It’s pretty simple to understand. You being a moving dot is worse. The fewer moving dots the better. Nobody gives a fuck if it makes you feel funny to not move if others have to move. You are not helping them by moving. You are hurting them.

Washington Post

These simulations show how to flatten the coronavirus growth curve

The early trickle of new coronavirus infections has turned into a steady current. By creating simple simulations, we can see how to slow it down. [/quote] Paging @microbet to tell you what a monstrous sociopath you are.

But yes, this absolutely. Like, anyone who understands math even a little bit understands that it is safer for everyone, including the instacart shoppers themselves, if one person shops for 20 people, or 10 people shop for 20 people each then it is for 200 people to shop for themselves. In a perfect world there would be time for instacart to scale up to provide enough delivery services for everyone and for the government to allow EBT & food stamp subsidies to be increased and used for instacart deliveries so there was no class disparity, but obviously a pandemic world where only professional shoppers shop for everyone else is better for everyone including the shoppers.

It seems clear to me we are not in the optimists theory scenario but you want to believe we are

“…& shiny surfaces” LOL


A video from the former National Press Secretary for our future VP


You’d be wrong if you think you’re better at math or science than I am, but whatever, people can be right or wrong about things, even life and death things, without being sociopaths. But, you’re an asshole who in every single post radiates your concern for yourself and your money and your fucking cruises and posting on DisneyWorld forums like a fucking freak.


The Police will do the rounds here on Sunday 2pm to thank us for being so good… :shushing_face:

Not realising that my neighbours use the back courts as much as they did before the pandemic… :rofl:

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Last time I went to the store they close at 8 but weren’t letting people in after 730. Maybe call ahead if you plan on sneaking in just before close.

Aren’t you in the CR? There’s several places that deliver groceries.