COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

I have the default one, F1 I believe. I find it odd the way it’s fitted, like the inner mask doesn’t have any pressure around the edges to seal off. When I wear the P100 mask I smell nothing.

I’m not sure how getting tested helps you or would make you change your behavior.

How many at home deaths yesterday?

Six figures of people will die. It’s how many go uncounted.

It doesn’t. I’m curious - mostly about that weird 3-4 week brutal dry cough that went around in Nov-Jan.

That was January 14th. You got a more recent take?

I think he’s had it too long and suspect the experienced staff at hospital know not to give an early all clear, especially for the PM - weirder things have happened though. Boris might be the first world leader to get it twice.

I absolutely vote for Trump if he gets to the dais and does this.



Sorry to be a hardass on this but I don’t see any data just an anecdote.

People can be trained to use gloves properly. It’s not that hard.

As I said I wear my gloves to protect ME. Protecting others is a side benefit. Almost the opposite of masks.

I’ll take someone putting on gloves poorly on top of bare hands where they wiped their ass or picked their nose at home every time.

Which do you want shoved into your mouth from a complete stranger?

  • Everyone wears gloves
  • No one wears gloves
  • Only trained glove professionals wear gloves

0 voters

Like Smacc, I basically didn’t cook at all until about two years ago. But I started learning with steak and gradually expanded to other things. I’m no master chef, but now I know my way around the kitchen and am comfortable cooking for myself and my family. We’d be happy to have more people in the cooking thread if you’re interested in learning.

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Sure, by the end of May

I’m not a lawbro, but I don’t think ‘people not wearing masks’ are a protected class, so it would seem that you can discriminate away.

If restaurants can refuse people service for not wearing a shirt (for example), this doesn’t seem like that much of a stretch.

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Same to you :crossed_fingers:

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Based on my small sample, none.

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Interesting essay that could basically be me except replace reddit, twitter and HackerNews with unstuck, 22 and chiefsplanet.

Why is this having such a massive influence on my mental well-being? I think a large portion of it boils down to fear :

  • of losing people I care about - particularly high-risk folks who may be faced with a massively overburdened healthcare system in the coming weeks
  • of losing my financial stability. I’m fortunate enough to still have a job that’s covering my expenses but the next few months/years are going to be a really difficult time for many people
  • of getting sick and experiencing permanent damage . I’ll probably be fine, but a permanent hit to my respiratory system would be devastating
  • of serious shocks to our economy . By all appearances, things are going to get worse before they get better

I’ve spent some time being angry :

  • at people in all levels of government refusing to communicate honestly and transparently
  • at much of the general public not taking the warnings and advice seriously

And of course, I’ve managed to mix in some guilt :

  • at the fact that I get to safely work from home, taking on less risk but not actually being able to contribute anything useful to the larger situation
  • about not being productive… which makes me less productive … leading to more guilt

This seems really common among everyone in Berlin. Not that many masks, people still out but pretty careful about 2 meters and avoiding groups.

I still think if more than this was necessary the spread would have been much faster initially. Also I would be much more scared of getting it if I was in the USA. One of the residents in my building is an anesthesiologist at a local hospital, I saw him yesterday, he said he is overseeing 80 icu beds but right now they have 19 patients, so the system is far from being overwhelmed. I guess some other parts of the country are hit harder but overall Germany seems to have a balance.

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And we just went in to the long weekend, have to wait 'til Tuesday to email my Ugandan co-worker about this lol.

sure, how about this profile in courage from the stalwart heroes at WHO

After reading this my lungs hurt.

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Would you vote for…

“Listen here fat, we have a pandemic! The deal is that some of you lying dog faced pony soldiers need to keep your kids inside. Some of you have them outside at 9pm and that’s a bunch of malarkey! Grab them by the nuts and get them inside listening to the record player, ok?”