COVID-19 (2): Turns out it's going to be pretty bad actually

Do you have an F1 or F3 filter? I have the F1 filters and don’t notice any odors except for neoprene.


Golly what a big surprise

Yes in my case I found drowning in my own sweat to be a bit uncomfortable.

He’s a former chemist. He clearly has at least sone respect for science.

I’ve posted this before:

You root for less deaths and make peace with Trump getting reelected. I already made peace with it. Fuck, I even used my one time on it!

I’ve tried, and been mostly successful, of pushing the six figures death out of my head to hurt Trump…

Are stores selling masks yet? I haven’t seen any.

I’ve considered describing myself as a Catholic social Democrat, even though I’m not that good of a Catholic. I should probably be less open to violence than I am. The main influence on my politics is from the Catholic social justice tradition as handed to me by the Jesuits who taught me. I wouldn’t describe myself as a full-on believer in liberation theology, but I am sympathetic to those who believe.

One concept that I embrace is the preferential option of the poor. It’s the idea that we should always keep in mind how things affect those who are most vulnerable. A secular concept that covers much of the same ground is the Difference Principle of John Rawls, which holds that inequality is permissible if the worst-off would do better than they would under strict equality.

Catholicism has been both anti-capitalist and anti-communist. The former is strongly linked to anti-democratic sentiment within the Church, but I think it has accepted democracy as the preferred political system. Right now, the political theology of the Catholic Church seems to prefer European-style democratic socialism, minus European-style secularism, as close to the ideal politico-economic system.

Religion is not monolithic. It has its crazies. As a Catholic, I acknowledge that my religion includes people who I think are wrong. As a Democrat, I acknowledge that my party includes moderate, centrist establishment types who I think are wrong.

My experience has been different, I suppose. Most of my early experience with the anti-abortion movement involved people who were influenced by the Berrigan brothers, people who were as much anti-war as they were anti-abortion, and who espoused the Seamless Garment of Lfe/Consistent Life Ethic approach.

I believe that if it were not for the influence of religion on my life, there is a good chance that I would embrace that sociopathic ideology of libertarianism, so I am grateful for religion in my life and choose to cling to it.

You can built 100s of 1000s of ventilators. You can’t just build 100000 more doctors and nurses.

No but you can import them from places that aren’t having a crunch, and deputize med students, and heavily recruit respiratory techs or w/e, and have massive makeshift field hospitals full of people lying around on vents.

Germs fly out of your mouth, but not your hands. Gloves don’t do anything about what a person has touched. Maybe have people use sanitizer or wash their hands before they come in. Construction sites have portable handwashing stations that use a foot pump. But all these people wearing gloves aren’t protecting anyone else - and are making things worse if they have a false sense of confidence or throw their gloves on the ground before they get into their car.

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If they were that similar you’d think our immune systems wouldn’t have a problem with novel corona. It’s unexpected, but I’m sure there’s a good reason.


Don’t leave bud, you can’t self ban and we can’t perma you…

Food is simple but feels like a nightmare, its honestly just trial and error…

I was the same as yourself in that I can’t cook, so I went for steak at 1st, them pork chops with frozen chips and added some packet pepper sauce (As long as you don’t leave it and stir it you can’t go wrong with these packets) and added onions/mushrooms as I felt comfortable.

Pork chops I added chips or mashed potatoes (shop bought Ofcourse) pickles beetroot from a jar and Bought some nice plum/cherry tomatoes and cucumber (Cucumber tastes of water) tined sweetcorn.

A tip is to just buy cold meats like itialian ham, add chips/potatoes and whatever is in from not using all the tined vegetables…

Tip 2 is Buy all those sweet sauces you guys have for meat, burgers, pork and salad, I use balsamic vinaigrette for my cold meats and everything else for the meat I usually ruin :joy:

Tip 3 is When making a sandwich just leave it all on the plate, and add to the bread while sitting down, add extra vegetables and try new vinaigrettes and salad sauces along with new vegetables, if they go in the bin so be it. Some days you will eat stuff some days you will not is what I expect.

Chicken is also easy… Buy thighs or drumsticks or buy ready made and just heat with chips etc… You get fantastic boil in the bag flavours of spices for chicken that just goes in a bag-into a pot of boiling water and cook for 30mins or so, chips in the oven and away you go.

I swear, if it helps I’ll get my aunt to send you easy to make recipes that I could make :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing:

Buying sausages too is cool, buy easy to make gravy and add mashed potatoes and its bangers and mash… Add onions :rofl:

Forget this gourmet stuff, and go for the bottles and packets of sauces and simply add as desired.

Dam I wish I had the whisky sauces and burger relishes that the US had everyday.

Burgers too are easy, just watch them while cooking and add onions etc…

Remember this community is a mixed bag of all sorts, don’t let the bastards get you down.



He must be making a joke of some sort.

It’s 100% 2 birds with one stone. Daedalus literally (well, Mythlogically speaking) killed 2 birds with one stone to get the wings for him and Icarus to fly out of the Labyrinth.

Odd hill to die on. People touch their faces all the time. Gloved hands are less germy than ungloved hands and can be peeled off and thrown away.

But I agree my masks is more for your protection and my gloves are more from my own protection.

But i think me putting gloves on lessens the chance that I’m going to contaminate what I touch. Otherwise the last 35 years of my life as a microbiologist has been bullshit.

Barrier>>>no barrier.

Something on hands=less likely to touch face.

If you are going to argue otherwise, please show your work with citations.

And yes proper disposal and handling is required. Same goes for masks. Same goes for following the traffic laws.

To all… :heart: In the community.


I’ve seen doctors and nurses at work. Brand new pair of gloves every time they touch anything that wasn’t sterile. That’s not really what’s happening at the grocery stores and when people are actually being careful for themselves the fuckers are putting on gloves when they get out of the car and throwing them on the ground before they touch their car door on the way back in.

Right - it says if you have those it could mean you won’t get a severe infection from c19.

They list 4 others as examples that are close:

The Antibodies test is a serology test which measures the amount of antibodies or proteins present in the blood when the body is responding to a specific infection. This test hasn’t been reviewed by the FDA. Negative results don’t rule out SARS-CoV-2 infection, particularly in those who have been in contact with the virus. Follow-up testing with a molecular diagnostic should be considered to rule out infection in these individuals. Results from antibody testing shouldn’t be used as the sole basis to diagnose or exclude SARS-CoV-2 infection. Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E. While the presence of antibodies doesn’t necessarily prevent future infections, they can reduce the severity of future infections of the current COVID-19 strain.

I looked up HKU1, NL63, OC43, and 229E. Couldn’t really tell how common or what the odds are I might have had one.

Are we assuming he was already on his second wave, or is this the calm before the real storm that a lot of people have been experiencing?

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Pretty sure this would currently be illegal in PA. In California they’re mandating masks legally and allowing essential businesses to turn people away if they aren’t wearing one.

I’m starting to have some second thoughts about this antibody test though. Do I really want to drive all the way to Irvine and risk getting infected at the place? Especially when positive or negative results don’t really prove anything? Hmmmm