Cooking Good Food - Ramens of the day

Good ear to hear this and know what he was saying. I think he made reference to both clarified butter (what the fish was seared in) and the buerre de baratte for finishing.

Does anyone save bacon grease after making bacon? If so, what for, how do you store it, and how long does it last?

It is going to be a great week of food in the Wookie household.

Seared duck breast with a satsuma pan sauce and steamed green beans that were little more than a sauce delivery vehicle.


Absolutely, mainly for eggs and pork chops, in a glass cup with saran wrap over the top, for a while or at least keeping it for a while hasn’t killed me yet.

No benefit to refrigeration?

Who eats like this every day!

Don’t you ever have like popcorn for dinner? :grinning:

Or cereal.

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Sorry, yes, I keep that cup in the fridge, and I would recommend it

Thanks. My wife just leaves it out up to a week and says it’s fine. Makes me a little nervous.

I mean, my last pic was last week, not yesterday. Not pictured was a few nights of Algerian harira lamb stew, Filipino chicken adobo, and a couple nights of some Murican BBQ ribs.

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It probably won’t kill you short term, but I would refrigerate it

I strain it (since it doesn’t go rancid as quickly if you remove the bacon) into a mason jar that I keep in the fridge. It is supposed to be good for a few months, but if you’re doing it right, you use it up before it can go bad.

My dad would just leave it in the pan and cook something in the next day or two without cleaning the pan

I mostly use it for eggs and vegetables. Basically, you can sub it in for anything you use butter for. Toast with bacon fat is a plausible thing to eat. In theory, you can make a bacon fat roux and turn it into a gravy or bechamel sauce, for example.

OK, that’s 2 votes for fridge. I think I’m gonna take a stand on this one. Wish me luck, bros.

speaking of MSG, i will say again that my popcorn (stove, not microwave obviously) with fish sauce butter is the best snack in the universe and I can make millions selling it but i don’t. I think of making an NFT out of it.

So just some run of the mill slop on the days you don’t take photos?


RIP Melkerson.

Uh, mind sharing the recipe for this before you turn it into an NFT?

I would be careful about subbing it for butter in all sauces. In many cases, like pan sauces, the milk proteins in butter are integral for making an emulsified sauce. Like, tonight’s duck sauce, sure, there’s duck fat in there, but it won’t come together without butter also. When there’s flour in the sauce, like a bechamel, veloute, or anything that starts with a roux, the flour can stand in for the milk proteins pretty well, but trying to make a bacon fat buerre blanc or hollandaise will fail miserably.

So what you’re saying is if you’re making a bacon gravy, then you need to add some (?a lot) of butter?

What’s your cholesterol?