Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Pudd'nhead Donnie

No one knows anything coming from the courtroom. Sucks that we cant see/hear what’s going on.

There are like 10x as many inbred morons as country club republicans. They already won the civil war because the country club types were the last ones to realize they were fighting one.


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Conservative group FreedomWorks shutting down, citing Trump effect


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That seems like an awful line of questioning. And frankly would seem like an opening to introduce more details about the encounter that the defense pressed to keep out, if the prosecution wanted.


My attorney, questioning the state’s lead witness at my trial: isn’t it true that you just made all that stuff up?

Witness: no.

My attorney:


Trump supposedly wanted his attorney to go at Stormy harder and longer, so to speak, than they wanted. It seems unwise but also 100% Trump to hit back this way.

There’s a sense in which porn is a fake story about actual sex acts, but that seems like a tricky argument to make for the defense.

Watching porn for the story is the new reading Playboy for the articles.

lol Trump getting his lawyers to ask about his golf game


Is it common for non-porn actors to be accused of being good at lying on the stand?

Everyone knows they had sex, the liar angle is idiotic.

Basically everything the defense is trying is what you try with a normal client. With Trump their best shot is to lean into it with an “isn’t it kind of awesome he can just raw dog porn stars and sure he paid her but we know that’s not a REAL crime wink wink.”

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“The REAL crime is that he had to pay at all! She should have had to pay him for the exposure.”

Idk how much any of this matters but my impression is Stormy is more comfortable today and is more or less having her way with Trump’s lawyer. Trump would have clearly, absolutely, positively been motivated to prevent her from telling this story before the election even if it was false. It seems like that’s all the prosecution really needs from her.

I get the sense that the defense was trying to either rattle or discredit Stormy by slut shaming her rather than seriously trying to dispute that the sex happened.

Yeah sure ok, lady.

Hearing scheduled end of today, I think.