Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Pudd'nhead Donnie

No I’m just saying that hung jury doesn’t seem unlikely

It’s an even money bet, you’re assigning a pretty high percentage.

No one cares about predictions, we care about stopping Trump, and the legal system ain’t doing that.


seems close

That’s a different case than the one underway in New York. The screen shot you posted doesn’t list an expiry date, but no one cares about a conviction after the election, nor does anyone think a sitting President Trump would be tried.

Really? Can you link the posts that stated the SC would take up a ridiculous immunity claim, that a corrupt Trump appointed judge would be randomly selected for the documents case, and that the Georgia AG would be involved in a relationship scandel? I must’ve missed those. All I ever saw was indiscriminate whining ala Gulliver Travel’s Glum

I am definitely still up for betting on the current Trump trial, my money is on non-conviction.

Did people predict Trump would maximize delay tactics and they would work? Yes. Many times.


People said the system was weak. You are claiming they’re lucky idiots for not naming the most nitty gritty specific weaknesses.

They absolutely predicted that SCOTUS and most courts are stupid and filled with stupid appointees/electeds, including appointed by Trump. They definitely predicted that attorneys are humans with human weaknesses.


Which one? If you’d prefer not to say, that’s understandable.

[deleted name cause I saw you read it and I don’t want it available on the Google machine]

They are ranked in the top 10 of IP law firms in Vault.

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teehee he said knob

And all you had to do to predict what Trump was going to do was look at what Trump has always done in court. He has an established history of delaying and dragging things out. He’d do this with contractors all the time - don’t pay the agreed upon price, go to court, drag shit out until the legal expenses overwhelm the contractor, then settle for some laughably shitty amount. God I wish the country would’ve listened at least A LITTLE to the NYC residents trying to warn everyone about Trump before 2016.

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There was no way of predicting anything that actually happened

Yes, that’s exactly what I’m claiming. If not idiots, then doomsayers like you see in the movies holding “the world is ending” signs on street corners. I guess if an unexpected cataclysmic event occurs tomorrow they’ll think they’re geniuses too

It just fucking kills me that they’re gonna wind up being right for all the wrong reasons

Contractors don’t have near the might that state attorney generals do and certainly not the DoJ. He was well on his way to being held accountable until a corrupt and compromised supreme court made such a ridiculous ruling it would’ve embarrassed them if they had any shame whatsoever. Ditto for Cannon. And how the hell can you count on what happened in Georgia?!?!?!

It took a trifecta of threading the needle for them to be right and now they’re acting like, lol I told ya so. It was soooo obvious


LMFAO. Sorry all of us “no consequences” and “LOL LAW” folks just continue to be right. The thing is we all want to be wrong. I sincerely hope you and iron and whoever else get to come in here and dunk all over everyone’s ass sooner than later. Until then…Ahh well, nevertheless


It’s more like if the climate continues changing, you’ll think they’re claiming to be geniuses by “predicting it.” This was the consenus, and it seems like you are inventing that people claim to have been geniuses rather than agreeing with consensus

Dudes and dudettes and theydudes said the system was comprehensively flawed, to put it mildest

You say there was no way to tell that ahead of time, and maybe you’re still claiming this was a lottery winner type longshot in a system that is not fundamentally flawed?

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Ignoring that you’re saying nobody could have predicted SCOTUS was corrupt. Just ignoring that for a moment.

Trump rolled a D12 three times, and got 4, 5, and 6. The consensus said he needed three 12s to be held accountable. But you are in here saying that 4, 5, 6 in that order was a 1 in 12^3 shot that nobody could have predicted


I am in no way arguing against lol law or that our justice system isn’t extremely flawed. But you’ll never convince me that people here knew what they were talking about…

First it was, no prosecutor would dare indict him. Then it was it’ll never get to trial. Now it’s, he’ll never get convicted and if he does, I have no doubt it’ll then be, he’ll never go to jail

There was no way to predict that the other 3 cases wouldn’t make it to trial and I don’t care how much anyone here insists that they knew all along

The only way to beat people like this is with wagering. It says everything that only a couple people here were willing to put their money where their mouth is. I’m up considerably (much more from co-workers than from here) so far. And if he loses the election, I’ll be up a lot more if people are foolish enough to bet against consequences

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Fwiw. I’m still liking my side of our infinity bet…