Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: Pudd'nhead Donnie

I have had convos with such people where they say that actually asking someone what their pronouns are is offensive to some and we need to be “sensitive” to that or some other bullshit.

When you ask them to explain further about why exactly it is offensive it’s just word salad.

My wife tells me there’s an effort to replace the word stakeholder in business settings.

I haven’t been able to figure out who the offended party is for that word… witches? Vampires?


“gypped” is definitely out, same level as “jewed” or “Indian giver”.

It recently occurred to me that I need to quit “the natives are restless”, I’m probably late to that.

I’ve never heard of this and in my business I use the word stakeholder hundreds of times a day. In my context it means a third party of a deal that has an interest. I don’t see how Business settings could be used in its place? Also curious as to the reasoning.

Last year I had to tell one of our executives he shouldn’t be saying “circle the wagons” when addressing an indigenous crowd.


The issue with the word stakeholder is that in a colonial context, a stakeholder was the person who drove a stake into the land to demarcate the land s/he was occupying/stealing from Indigenous territories.

Switching from stakeholder - Research Impact Canada.

They aren’t trying to replace the word WITH business settings, but find a different word to use in business settings. As in, during meetings…

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Well fuck! You learn something everyday. I’d guess 50% of the time I use that word I’m talking about or to indigenous people. Hmmm. I’ll have to ask a few indigenous friends about this one.

Interesting, I also use stakeholder regularly and had not heard of a negative connotation

Personally? Yeah, but it’s also worth remembering that homophobia, much like racism, isn’t just about personal animus but more about the structure of society, and in that regard, it is very much a reflection of the homophobia baked into society. It’s worth eliminating, even if there are still a ton more things to do also.

I often use “jerk” or “jerk face,” especially in front of the girls.

I think I would like proof that indigenous people find that word offensive.

Sounds like some white folks decided that they think it would be offensive to indigenous people.

I also hadn’t heard that context of stakeholder. I’d always thought it was from gambling, someone with money in the game.

And besides, wouldn’t the colonizer there be planting stakes instead of holding them?

Yes, I feel like this started to become an issue about 20 years ago.

Google’s developer documentation style guide recommends avoiding the term master in software documentation, especially in combination with slave


Yep. Head nodes and compute nodes. Also, include/exclude lists instead of white/black lists

We have bifurcated into two conversations. One about terms with obvious offence widely agreed on by the targeted oppressed group and one more about how history is embedded in language. They are linked but different.

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Is “high-stakes” or anything involving “stake” related to property/value/ownership of the same origins or separate?

Bone, jen. De nun mi parolas nur esperante.

I’m wearing that exact same sweatshirt right now. I think I need to burn it just to be sure I’m never mistaken for that piece of shit.


My guess is 60% of Americans would give that video a like