Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Oh what a load of horseshit. I’m sure dozens of multimillionaire CEOs are suddenly voting blue, right.


These stories are a crime against journalism.

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Always astonishing when these frustrated critics find a reason to pull the R lever.

No choice. Can’t do SOCIALISM.


For many of them, it’s all about taxes and/or their belief that a Republican will be better for them financially. Despite my training and experience, I have a hard time understanding the mindset of the wealthy (or just the greedy), where nothing matters more than maximizing their money.

I grew up lower-middle class, and through hard work, frugality, and some definite luck, I’m now semi-retired and comfortable. I’m so conditioned to being frugal that except for now taking more domestic trips to play poker and watch sporting events, I don’t buy toys, eat in fancy restaurants, travel lavishly or want to aggressively acquire more money.

I appreciate what I have, but I wonder if a rich person would think that money is wasted on me?

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Gotta protect my Medicare and Social Security from government overreach.

I don’t care about you I just want your vote but I don’t need it.

I was just listening to an interview with George Stephanopoulos and he just casually referenced Omarosa sneaking a recording device into the Situation Room and it just reminded me that just a few years ago freaking Omarosa had access to the Situation Room and that would appear on basically no one’s list of craziest things about the Trump presidency.


Trump claims Joan Rivers voted for him two years after she died. He did claim dead people voted.

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Pee tape is one thing but how can you get this many slimeballs in one place and not have a recording?



as I remember it, she tried to imply that she had tapes right after she got fired but it was pretty clear she was bluffing

I mean, I guess the tapes could have been faked, but Meet The Press played what they believed to be a recording of John Kelly firing her, and I don’t remember any subsequent retractions.

Ah yes she had the one tape, she started recording after she knew she was getting fired. But didn’t she use that to imply she had more tapes from earlier?

My memory is fuzzy, but I definitely wouldn’t be surprised if she implied that she had been recording more extensively than she actually did.

Unironic Happy Father’s Day to all the UP fathers.

is it irony that Trump is the one that very much wants us to be “third world”? i.e. not associated with the rest of the “first world” like the NATO countries nor the communist “second world” countries?

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