Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

lol, imagine being a member of Congress and still being forced to sing “Happy Birthday” to some slob like an Applebee’s server.

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Speed running towards failed 18th century policy.



Get elected because everything costs 20% more than it did a few years ago, immediately raise all prices another 20%


Im 95% sure that the majority would pronounce it Gill-O-Teen

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I know you guys love making fun of Trump, but when push comes to shove who is actually going to chose to get eaten by a shark? Electrocution, and its not close imo.

Odds are Trump can’t figure out how to electrocute himself in that situation. Go shark.

The correct solution for a hypothetical victim is:

Electrocute but don’t kill. Basically leave him stunned and then 2-3 baby sharks slowly Eat him. Or even better they don’t finish him off and he floats in extreme pain for 24 hours as the sun beats down.

You guys can laugh now, but when a bunch of electric boats start sinking from the weight and people start getting electrocuted it won’t be so funny, will it?


Funny? No. It’ll be hilarious. Bigly difference.

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No, it’ll be delicious. For all the sharks.

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Mmmmm, sharklicious

I don’t know boats much less electric boats but you guys are going to have to tell me how you carry out your electrocution plans or I’m betting shark all day every day. I need diagrams. Show that the current through the heart > I_:skull_and_crossbones:.

It’s very difficult to get electrocuted in salt water. The water is more conductive than your body so the current flows around you.

OTOH, for the people who get electrocuted in fresh water, usually they are just incapacitated and the cause of death is drowning.

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Also like whats the spread. A few feet out is ok? A few inches? The sharks 10 feet away. do we have a Goldilocks zone?

Eaten by a shark or taken out like Joe Pesci’s character in Casino?

Pesci easy.

Edit:i was thinking of goodfellas. Nvmnd.