Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

I will say, that despite it being a complete farce and will never actually happen, saying he’ll end taxes on tips guarantees that Nevada goes red with near 100% certainty.

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I agree with Clovis, that making a big deal out of that post is all downside. Something should need to be credible before being given a platform for misinformation.

That being said, if it’s mandatory to do so, whatever, but on the face of it, it’s stupid as hell

The only person making a big deal out of it is Clovis.

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Am I the only one not even sure what the point of this argument that’s hogging all the bandwidth in this thread?

Best I can tell some shit poster made a comment about a cousin on the jury out to get trump, Merchan informed the defense team about it, and despite the media not even covering it as an event, Clovis believes it’s existential to the case and likely to result in an overturn of the conviction. Others seem to disagree. Do I mostly have this right?


Right - there was a bit of immediate hysteria, but since then Trump’s team has been pretty quiet about it and even FoxNews is mostly dismissing it and I think they are barely covering it now. I guess maybe when the hearing happens it’ll get some coverage, but right now it’s not on their front page and here’s the most recent story I found where it’s universally dismissed.

Unless Trump’s team finds something to substantiate the post, I expect it’ll be a two minute hearing, where Trump’s lawyers say that they have nothing (maybe complains about unfair jury in general), and the court agrees and moves on to other matters.

What are the odds?

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I mean could it be they’re actually being smart and realizing that if they make a big deal out of it, then a hundred people could start shitposting that their cousin juror came home to a sack of Quarter Pounders on the front step, and a note that said “More of these plus $25k if you hang the jury, thanks! --DT” or something?


Clovis’s choices before every post:

A. Realizes no one agrees with him, and decides to consider he might be wrong.
B. Believes everyone else is wrong, but decides to temper his responses.
C. “Let me just explain it to them one more time and tell them how stupid they are as well.”



Hey it worked in the past. He completely removed any form of kink shaming from these forums.

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couldn’t figure out what the quarter pounders had to do with anything, then it hit me :+1:t3:

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Go fuck yourself


You make me sad.

I’m sorry I can’t resist

No kink shaming

Only humor meant by the above.



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According to ABC stuff he was supposed to be asked included

  • Please describe your crime.
  • Do you accept responsibility?
  • Anything you want to say about why you did it?

Took half an hour.

If those were the questions and it took half an hour I assume he refused to answer them.


D. Clovis is also a professional shitposter.