Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

He’s like a middle schooler running for class president. Candy machines in the lunch room!


I wouldn’t be surprised if they just throw it in there to appease Trump.

I cannot find a single story that claims the post was known before his letter. Every story cites his letter as the first time the post was noted.

I don’t think it was reported in the mainstream media until the news of the hearing. The attention was limited to threads on twitter on such. It seems somewhat naive to think no one would have picked up the story in the mainstream media and ran with it if Merchan did nothing. It was most likely just a matter of time, given that the tweet was up on the court’s facebook page. And even if it wouldn’t have been, it’s still the safest thing to preserve the verdict. Doing nothing (or something unilateral) gives Trump more grounds for appeal, not less.

I think evens is probably a fair line for this bet. Clovis has a lot of outs.

That guy always won, though. Didn’t he?

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The phrasing of the letter leaves open the possibility that the Court was made aware of the post by someone outside the judiciary. You should try to not jump to hysterics and to avoid jumping to the worst possible interpretation.

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For some reason the X link isn’t rendering.


They’re competent attorneys, but Blanche spent most of his career as a prosecutor and is inexperienced at defense. They also have a client who calls the shots. Putting the one witness they did call on the stand was a total disaster

Lol at Trump evoking tipping issues unprompted. There is about to be the new third rail in US politics! I really love it when these ogres show how little they understand about their own constituents “boy I bet these swine love tipping as much as they love shooting dogs!”

Clovis: the US is a banana republic and that’s bad
Also Clovis: the judge should oversee his case with an eye on how it will affect voters

It’s worse than that, he’s saying the Judge should act unethically to achieve his preferred political ends.

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Good faith!

You want the judge to administer this case differently because you think that providing a standard disclosure to the defendant’s attorney will help reelect the defendant. I’m 99% sure that violates the judicial code of conduct for NY, if not other substantive laws such as Due Process.

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Also, as I’ve said before, you throw out these accusations way too loosely.

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You are wishing the judge would behave in a way to make sure the defendant stays guilty, which isn’t what we really want in judges.


Right, if it was some random DA hiding potentially exculpatory evidence under the guise of “independently evaluating its validity” to ensure a conviction of some poor drug addict, Clovis would be pounding the table about Due Process and calling for his removal.

The only possible way to draw this conclusion if you have completely ignored every word I have written on the topic.

I want the judge to have done the minimal possible work to confirm the post was nonsense before making it an international story.

Anyway I am fucking sick of this stupid discussion. Nobody is acting in good faith. It started out as “lol the judge didn’t release anything” then when I pointed out there is not a single source claiming it was public for any reason but the judges letter it was “lol obviously it would have been”

I am not posting on this topic again. I”ll just collect my $100 when it is the main part of the first filing on appeal.