Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

The number of drug dealing doctors is pretty shocking, it’s not hard to find.

Are there concierge pharmacists that cater to rich people?

Was pretty hard to find when I was a drug addict! But the internet fixed that.

If there was a single non -centrist “the system works” poster agreeing with you I might question if I was right.

I mean this is literally what happens in every trial where there is an allegation of juror misconduct. I guess this judge is supposed to diverge in this case because it is very public for reasons.

I think the rich people cut the pharmacist out.

The doctor can just order whatever medications in order to dispense them himself. Then he just shows up with whatever drugs, gives them to orange man, and then collects his bag of cash.


lol, I’m not even saying the system works, I’m just saying you are freaking out over nothing.

Well if you are going to “No True Scotsman” it, then you’re never going to be convinced. I assume everyone who happens to disagree with you automatically becomes a centrist “the system works” poster.

Somehow I have also attained that status despite being one of the biggest “LOL Law, nothing is going to happen to Trump ever” people on here.

But now I’m a centrist “the system works” guy? I guess if put your mind to it, you can convince yourself of anything.


It’s the same as investigating any bomb threat, even if it’s a random post online.

My entire point is they didn’t investigate it before releasing it. It would have taken close to no effort to ascertain it was a faker but instead we learn that after it’s posted on every news site on earth and no amount of debunking will ever change it. It’s now a lock to be part of the “evidence” when his conviction is overturned.

I’m done with this discussion. I guess I’ll just post an lol when it is part of a filing in the case to overturn.

Trump is stupid but I don’t think his lawyers (for this case) are bad lawyers. If the judge didn’t do anything they probably would have been sure to complain about the post at the most strategic time from Trump standpoint

I’m willing to take even odds that on appeal, that post is not cited.

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You sound like someone whose prop bets I should never accept. :smile:

That’s not how that works.



lol the reason it just has to be released is it can show the verdict is suspect but also of course it wouldn’t be used to claim the verdict is suspect. Ok.

How much? I have nothing against you and don’t want to make a mean spirited bet so before we bet I assume you have googled the many stories on this and have seen they all claim it could be grounds for appeal or mistrial?

If so then I am willing to bet up to $500 usd that this post will be cited in at least one upcoming filing, hearing, or appeal as part of the evidence for trumps side.


Lock it in for $100.

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“So this is the first time I’ve said this, and for those hotel workers and people that get tips, you’re going to be very happy because when I get to office, we are going to not charge taxes on tips people [are] making,”

Welcome to the revolution comrade Trump!

If Biden and the democrats don’t introduce the “No Taxes on Tips” act tomorrow they’re losers.

Some great stuff in the rest of the article

Campaign organizers prepared for the sweltering weather with water bottles, misting fans and additional emergency medical services on site. The US Secret Service made an exception to allow people to bring in personal water bottles and umbrellas.

Clark county fire department confirmed that at least six people were hospitalized and 24 received medical attention for heat-related symptoms during the rally.

Alex Maldonado, a 50-year-old father of three, said he was worried about the heat but wanted to come out to support Trump, for whom he plans to vote a third time. He said he feels Biden has failed in handling inflation, the southern border and crime.

“I tried to give him [Biden] a chance in 2020,” said Maldonado, a military veteran who works security at a Las Vegas casino. “But everything in life has been made harder.”

He tried to give him a chance! Guy who works security at a Las Vegas casino can’t figure out the economy is doing well. I guess 40 million people a year visit billion dollar resorts on a small strip of land in the desert for no apparent reason.

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