Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

OK, fine, but where? I think competent people could probably find some independent pharmacist to play ball, but this is the team who held a press conference at Four Seasons Landscaping. The potential for some sort of fuck up is enormous.

Laws vary from state to state, but just calling in and leaving a verbal prescription is something that is still allowed in a lot of places. Maybe not for controlled substances, though. Can’t get arsed up to check what the FL regulations on this sort of thing are.

I’m curious about this whole process as well. Also, if Trump provides his probation officer with a list of his prescriptions, is there a standard procedure where some amount or combinations of prescriptions would be red-flagged and they can actually question the prescribing doctor? “I see you have Mr. Trump with prescriptions for several stimulants and benzodiazepines, are all these medically necessary and responsibly prescribed?” I realize I’m making some pretty broad assumptions about his drug use here.

Nah the White House doctor was giving away all sorts of controlled shit. He will have someone like that

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I thought the WH doctor was just giving stuff out without any prescription though, so not sure how having someone like that helps Trump. (It obviously helps him to get the drugs, but not show the probation officer he legally got those drugs).

Clovis is busy so I’ll take this for him.

Merchan was just supposed to investigate the matter himself and then after that investigation he could post on the court’s facebook page that he checked it out and it was fake. Or maybe he doesn’t post anything at all. I’m not clear on that bit. And of course, the MAGA world doesn’t run with this and spin up an even bigger conspiracy theory than they will if he just follows the proper procedures.

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Yeah, that probably makes the most sense. Just cut out the pharmacy middleman. I guess he could just do that for banal stuff like cholesterol and hypertension meds too.

I’m not sure Merchan is even allowed to do that though. Not an expert in any way on this, but from the annotations to the 6th amendment:

“A violation of a defendant’s right to an impartial jury does occur, however, when the jury or any of its members is subjected to pressure or influence which could impair freedom of action; the trial judge should conduct a hearing in which the defense participates to determine whether impartiality has been undermined.”

Now clovis is going to claim this is just a norm and not a rule. He may be right, the annotations only cite to a SCOTUS decision that states the proposition - “This Court has long held that the remedy for allegations of juror partiality is a hearing in which the defendant has the opportunity to prove actual bias.”

I get that, but Clovis doesn’t concern himself with such trivialities.

Good faith!

Trump could also be asked if he is associating with anyone with a criminal record because he cannot associate with them if he is placed on probation, Horn said.

Was responding that he probably just uses the same doc that wrote those letters saying Trump was in tip top shape. Turns out he passed in January of 2021 Harold Bornstein - Wikipedia.

Still, I’m sure there are plenty of doctors in Florida willing. There are plenty of drive-thru pharmacy options in Florida too.

One of the tricks to PR is that when you are a big fish, you don’t want to respond to most attacks by the little fish. People are used to a stream of drivel in the comments, but when the big fish decides to comment on it, the drivel becomes a bigger story. People decide that if the big fish is concerned enough to respond, there must be something to it.

Mercham is not doing PR, nor should he be.

Way to make the entire argument for why he shouldn’t have acted in the way he did then draw the exact opposite conclusion.


He really should have stopped for applause after “I’ll take electrocution every single time.” losing his touch.

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Not sure how it’s done, but highly doubt it’s this. An ex president still gets the highest level of security protection. I doubt some rando Walgreens pharmacist is filling his scripts

yea no way. like michael jackson had his own doctor/pharmacist giving him whatever whenever in his bedroom.

if random cashiers can figure out how to get adderall for the mornings and xanax for the nights, the most famous person in the world with 40 or 50 million devoted followers can get the good stuff i’d assume.

wonder how ozempic would take off if they paid trump to record one 30-second commercial. he should do it for stock options and all the clickers he can inject.

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I’m also sure it’s not that either. I am just curious exactly how.

As others have posted, the most likely solution is that he has a physician just dispense them as well prescribe them. That cuts out the middle man and whoever the physician is getting them from would not really have any way of knowing that it’s for Trump. So there is really only one weak point.

I’m not sure you know what that means either.

In any case, if you want to post your answer to that question, I’m sure we’d all love to read it.

Here’s a wild idea. Maybe, just maybe, everyone else is right on this one and you’re the one who is wrong.