Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

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Who released what to the public? The comment was already public, it was posted on a the public Facebook page of the Court. Outside of that, I havenā€™t seen any reporting on what the court did aside from notify the attorneys on both sides of the case what it found (I donā€™t even think we know details on how it was found). Thatā€™s completely reasonable and appropriate.

You are being purposely obtuse now. No need to continue this discussion with you.

lol to arguing releasing that information to trump isnā€™t releasing it to media.

Why do you always just assume that people are making points in bad faith or being intentionally obtuse when they donā€™t agree with you. Yeah, the Court has a responsibility to notify both attorneys of that information. Withholding information from a defendant in a criminal trial as you seem to be suggesting is, uhh, not a system we want to endorse.


Was it publicly released info? Or did the judge just notify both parties and it got leaked? This is the most watched case in the world. It makes sense no one wouldā€™ve heard about it if the exact same thing happened in some randomā€™s court case

This is what Iā€™ve been wondering about as well. Obviously itā€™s not prison, house arrest, banned from running etc., but if Trump has to actually do regular drug testing then that would force him to alter his drug use and weā€™ve started to get to an actual punishment! Maybe someone has done this, but Iā€™d really like to see a news org outline in detail the exact process and schedule someone who has recently been convicted of multiple felonies in NY has to go through. When exactly does he have to meet with a probation officer and what exactly does that involve (even down to what questions he has to answer)? How often does he have to check in? How often does he have to be drug tested? What correspondence or meetings does he actually have to do himself that he canā€™t send a lawyer to do? What exactly are the penalties for not adhering to these rules? I want to see precisely what is supposed to happen and check that against whatever actually happens when he tries his bullshit to weasel out of his obligations. I donā€™t want to see stuff like ā€œusually convicted felons have to attend this in person, but a judge granted Trump a waiver to send his attorneyā€ or ā€œusually thereā€™s twice monthly drug testing but Trumpā€™s attorneys filed a [insert LOL LAW] so that isnā€™t happening until [LOL LAW] is ruled on in a few monthsā€ and so on.

edit: Like for example, that tweet says heā€™s doing the probation interview virtually, and thereā€™s several replies asking if thatā€™s usually allowed. Thatā€™s exactly the type of thing I want to know! No answers that I see.

What illegal drugs do you think a test would show?

Trump will have a prescription for whatever bullshit he takes. Itā€™s not hard to get a Ritalin script or whatever

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Your pony needs to refill its Vyvanse.

But it would be amusing to hear him rant about the invasion of privacy that drug testing him represents.

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Trump is also lazy and arrogant enough to not bother getting a prescription. Just like with the classified document stuff, he could have just unclassified it all and been in the clear, but he doesnā€™t give a fuck and just does whatever he wants.

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Remember his doctors are people like this. No worries backdating a prescription.

Iā€™m really not sure that you understand what ā€œreleased to the publicā€ means. If itā€™s posted online it is already public. You can only release things to the public that were nonpublic before said release.

Looks like I was a little slow here. I was going to respond that Iā€™d guess various stimulants and maybe some benzos that heā€™d have to at least show a prescription for, but CN pointed out that probably wonā€™t be an issue for him to procure. Maybe a hassle? Iā€™m just here hoping for something to at least mildly fuck with his comfort.

Iā€™m actually very curious about how Trump sources his prescriptions now that heā€™s not in the White House. I assume that when youā€™re actually the President things are different, but what does he do now?

Does one of his servants literally take a piece of paper with his name on it and a prescription for whatever stimulant he is on to the local Walgreens?

I guess his current Ronny Jackson equivalent could just call it in or send it electronically, but either way, some random pharmacist is just receiving a prescription for Ritalin for Donald Trump and he just fills it and goes about his day? That is definitely plausible. But after that, his servant would need to stand in line at the Walgreens and say ā€œIā€™m picking up a prescription for Donald Trump.ā€

I guess mail order would be the most discreet way to do it. He probably does that.

This is fantastic. Nearly everyone is telling you itā€™s one way. You insist with no knowledge of anything that itā€™s the other way, and the other guy is the one being obtuse. Chefā€™s kiss!


They are also incredibly incompetent and likely to leave an easy to discover paper trail of their deception. Not saying this will matter or heā€™ll be punished for it, but heā€™s not good at all at hiding his crimes, heā€™s just good at getting away with them.

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Itā€™s also probably not some random pharmacist, itā€™s some super MAGA pharmacist that doesnā€™t mind verbal prescriptions and not labeling stuff.

Arguing in good faith we are. .

TIL a random post online is the same as said post being on every media outlet worldwide.

If that is what you learned, youā€™re not paying attention.

It was public, it was going to be noticed. Itā€™s massively better that the court noticed it first. Whatever damage is going to do is less this way.

What was the alternate @clovis8 ?

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