Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

it takes two to tango? ESAD you piece of human garbage

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Saw commentary that he was told he had to do it by some R congress critters if he wanted any more swag.

Don’t remember who or if reliable. I’m assuming MSNBC?

The latest Behind the Bastards is about a guy named Curtis Yarvin, which is apparently where Vance and company get all their horrible ideas. Check it out

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Watch Trump flub a question about Michigan manufacturing saying he won “Man of the Year”.

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I don’t like the podcast very much-I really like the idea of it, just with a better host and fewer jokes–and I don’t understand why Ed Helms is there, but it’s good to have an episode on Yarvin.

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That’s his standard Michigan go to. The association of men with perpetually bad backs from trying to self-fellate gave him an award or something (allegedly) 10-15 years back.

No trap! Please don’t put in the paper that I got trapped.


Vance showed up without advance notice at a restaurant in Pittsburgh today. Sounds like management got flustered for a minute, and now they’re getting review bombed by butthurt MAGA chuds.

Review bombing Primanti Bros in Pittsburgh will lose them $0 in revenue


I know like 4 things about Pittsburgh. The Steelers, The Penguins, The Pirates, and that Primanti bros puts fries on their sandwiches.


Apparently Helms is just a fan :man_shrugging:

Talk about living rent free in someone’s head.


That’ll do pig

Thank you lord

Pretty weird