Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

How is this real life?


The black cats hate his ass. The one over his left shoulder wants to tear him a new one.

Ducks and cats living together. Mass hysteria!


I feel like I know this guy better than I know myself and I don’t like this feeling.

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I feel like they’re not sending their best racists. Which is wierd because I would have thought his staff would have been all 4Chan trolls.

Speaking of cat killing…


Fuck these horrible people so much. But it didn’t happen to me personally, so it must not be real! Also they didn’t pray hard enough.


Need help. Got a friend who is convinced that Trump’s “very fine people” remarks were not a direct dog whistle to the white supremacists and that the media is lying bt not fact checking Kamala about it. I outlined that the rally was organized, run by, and attended almost exclusively by white nationalists. They provided these to me.

Im fucking baffled and don’t know where to go from here

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Get a new friend.


I was going to say something like this but a bit more tactfully. These people cannot be reasoned with and you are wasting your time by trying.

Trump didn’t say the guys with Nazi flags were very fine people, just the guys with tiki torches who enthusiastically marched along side the guys with Nazi flags.

In MAGA-land apparently this is a huge gotcha because MAGAs often find themselves on the same side as actual Nazis, and don’t feel they should be disparaged for it.


Your friend is basically right but you should still get a new friend.

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Trump just meant that a lot of them were good looking imo.

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If he’s doing it as some kind of exercise in technicality, then whatever it’s probably not worth the argument.

If he’s presenting that as some kind of hard evidence to vote for Trump, then you just have to accept that your friend is racist and/or very stupid.

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No, its the former and not the latter. He is still a Kamala voter, just trying to play the “look, they all lie” side of things.

Your first paragraph is likely correct, however irksome it may be to just drop it.

Just tell him that no one cares if a few people at the time heard “Trump said Nazis are very fine people” when in fact “Trump said some of the tiki torch guys marching alongside Nazis are very fine people” is technically correct.

It’s not a gotcha. No one at that rally was a very fine person. They’re nazi-adjacent at best.

All their gotchas are like this.

Trump did say “Russia if you’re listening…”. He did bow down to Putin and have a secret meeting with no minutes. He did take the aid of Russian bots online. Some other stuff I’m forgetting.

Those kids on the National Mall - ZOMG the Indian guy came up to them, not the other way around! Gotcha! Except those kids were running around in MAGA hats being total assholes for an hour before that incident, harassing women, singing obnoxious songs, which is the only reason the Indian guy confronted them. But nope, gotcha on a technicality libs!

There’s lies like the Haitian pet thing (or Pizzagate) that are deliberate, dangerous, hate-filled propaganda designed to help win an election. Then there’s these distinction w/o a difference thing that Rs love to jump all over so they can scream equivalence.


“I know you are but what am I”?


“Look, they all lie” is a fairly annoying stance. I’d drop it for now if he’s a reluctant Kamala voters who can be scared off.

If he’s not, then Trump either lied about Neo-Nazis and white supremacists or he lied about MAGA not being those.

Yea the fact of the matter is if you’re marching with Nazis you’re a nazi, there’s also some timeline stuff that goes along with it but it’s all bullshit