Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

It’s impossible to blow a debate when you have no floor. He could show up in full Nazi regalia, call Kamala the c word, and shit his pants on stage and and not lose a single supporter. The media would clean it up for him and by Thursday be talking about how Harris hasn’t done enough interviews


Yeah, only one side can blow this debate, unfortunately. But I do believe she can also do well enough that it’ll be meaningful. But I may be a sweet summer child…

Over/under on how long into the debate until Trump calls Harris “nasty”?

The problem is people have the memory of goldfish. The trench of Trump’s support was right after Charleston. Trump can easily do something that will tank his poll number. Sept 10th is just way too far away from the election for it to matter though.

From the start of his presidency to now it looks like the low point was just after Jan 6 hearings in Nov and Dec 2022.

Only a Clovis level masochist would watch the debate on its own, but I love railing stuff like this as I follow along with my fellow posters.

Skipped the Biden/Trump debate because good god. Will grab a six-pack of Vernor’s and watch this one, tho.

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Hope to be on team didn’t watch lol

0.00% I’m watching. Would take someone paying me at least $500.

Save you the trouble:

Either Trump was a deranged unhinged threat to humanity or Kamala choked like a dog and couldn’t put together a single coherent thought depending on whether you are literate or a racist.

One of the best holiday commercials ever, ruined by Ted being a nut job.

Kamala Harris is going to misspeak or stammer slightly once and every media outlet is going to say she had a disastrous debate and isn’t prepared to be president.


Debates are the lowest form of political discourse disguised as the highest.

Even if I wasn’t sick, I’d pass on it.

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Impossible. The bar is so low for him that anything short of the n word is acceptable.

Thing is that if he’s even slightly above the bar, he’ll slingshot into the lead.





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