Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Sure, and the worst player in today’s minor league baseball is a better hitter than Babe Ruth

Things change

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Ummm let me stop you right there

He was an influence for Jim Morrison who in turn was a huge influence to many stage performers of today. Shoulders of giants and all


I already granted he is important in a purely historical sense. He just has zero influence on modern music and hasn’t had any in like 40 years. It’s like saying the Model T is the best car ever made.

I learned recently that the “shoulders of giants” thing was apparently Newton being an asshole to some short guy.


My 13 year old loves Nirvana and Green Day, maybe too much. We took her and a friend somewhere and she played Nirvana the entire way. I am certain the other kid had no idea who they were. She saw Green Day at Fenway.

She’s also an enormous Swifty.


Would you at least concede that his stage persona was influential? Didn’t one of his TV performances get censored? It seems silly not to admit that the guy broke new ground

Not silly if you’re a hater.

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Clovis just decides to troll on this topic every 6 months

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His hyperbole knows no limits.


Man I’ll grant that in some sort of objective sense he isn’t as good as modern artists but this statement is absolutely not true

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I’m just glad my ability to listen to new Curt Cobain music was cut off.


Not better hair though. Oof


I remember being in high school and my buddy was driving around with me and his grandma listening to In Utero

Rape me came on.

Good times.


This derail is more my fault than clovis’. If there’s an opportunity, I’ll bring up the Elvis thing for fun. Apologies to those who don’t enjoy it.

I don’t expect to change your mind. Elvis wasn’t much of a guitar player. His playing probably didn’t influence anybody. But it’s generally acknowledged he was a great singer, performer, and trendsetter.

Dylan was not a great singer. I think passable on guitar and harmonica but not a great musician in that way. He is influential because he was a fantastic songwriter. The Beatles likewise had their individual strengths and weaknesses.

I asked copilot for help and it tells me that, among others, Dylan and the Beatles acknowledge Elvis as an influence. References check out. So by the transitive property of influence, there must be dozens of contemporary musicians who were influenced by Elvis.

TBF, he was an asshole to pretty much everybody.


Smells Like Teen Spirit


Did you know though that Bach was basically forgotten for almost 100 years before people like Beethoven rediscovered him in the early 19th century?


Curt Cobain be remembered if only because he and Nirvana are the band most associated with grunge, which will remain in music history lore as a specific if wholly dismissive genre.