Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

yeah this.


My wife and I were talking about this just the other day.

Not about us, about Elvis.

At one time one of the most recognizable people in the entire world, and one day, a day will come where not a single one of his songs is played anywhere on the planet.

Its an odd thing to think about, and its true.

Nahā€¦ Music lives forever. Well, at least as long as people are still around.

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Does it though? Im sure there were some immensely popular Big Bands in the 20s that havent had a single listen in decades.

Music might live forever, but people who listen to said music donā€™t

500 as a number is far too low.

vibe rn

To get darker, in 250 yrs getting drinking water and growing food may be of much more concern for most.

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I think the Great Ravine will have happened by then so everything will be just fine.

Well we know music and composers can be remembered at least 274 years, since Johann Sebastian Bach died in 1750. And Iā€™d argue heā€™s still influential to this day

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Elvis is one of the most famous first rock n rollers, I think he will last for a while. When this came up I thought of the classical artists we still hear today. I think Elvis will have that kind of impact.

The question is will a guy like Kurt Cobain be remembered in one hundred years. I am like 60/40 no, I think.

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No way. My 15 year old, who wears a Nirvana shirt regularly, barely knows who he is.


You are like the anti-@clovis8.


I 100% stand by my contention he is close to irrelevant outside the historical context. He is never cited by any musician as an influence. Name one modern musician who says he is their favorite. Yet you can names dozens who still cite Dylan or the Beatles.


Yeah. And when people list the things that are important to their life they donā€™t typically mention air or gravity either


You donā€™t typically need Elvis or Kurt Cobain to survive, interact and understand the world around you thoā€™. We understand and take for granted air.
Musicians are trivial add-ons. The Beatles may or may not be remembered in 250 yrs; Kurt Cobain definitely wonā€™t be. Air might still be considered important by someā€¦

Define remembered

Remembered by at least 1 person? Stone cold lock. Remembered by a group of people who continue to listen to nirvanaā€™s music? Near 100% chance. Remembered by the general public and relevant in pop culture? Probably near 100% no



There is not a single aspect of music in which Kurt Cobain wasnā€™t better than Elvis. Better musician, better writer. Better singer.

My 15 year old LOVES Nirvana. Heā€™s also a drummer, so heā€™s really into music. Took him to see Green Day last week.