Convicted felon Donald J. Trump thread XXX: It's not a Loomah!

Just the most fucked up timeline. LOL LAW 4 eva





Lmao what is the reason given? Fuck you thatā€™s why?

ā€œThis matter is one that stands alone, in a unique place in this Nationā€™s history,ā€ the judge wrote.

If Trump is sentenced, then the public deserves ā€œa sentencing hearing that is entirely focused on the verdict of the jury,ā€ and one that is ā€œfree from distraction or distortion.ā€

ā€œThe members of this jury served diligently on this case, and their verdict must be respected and addressed in a manner that is not diluted by the enormity of the upcoming presidential election,ā€ Merchan wrote.

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Were the Trump law bros actually arguing that sexually assaulting women on airplanes was legal in the '70s?

E Jean Carroll pulled off the reverse ā€œripped from the headlines!ā€


Itā€™s amazing that all he has to do is just not say it. Just donā€™t say it. Just donā€™t. And he does. He even thinks about it and then still does. Canā€™t help himself.

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Well, there are very little consequences and heā€™s a coinflip to be President again, so how bad can this be really?


If I may get dark for a moment, weā€™re all going to be forgotten some day. One day, there will simply be nobody left to remember us. Sure, 250 years from now, someday will stumble upon the movie Identity Thief on TBS and be aware of my former existence for 2 seconds, but thatā€™s about it. Perhaps someone will find Suzzerā€™s book in a collapsed shack deep in the woods.

I am still clinging to a sliver of hope that even though Donald Trump has lived a charmed life with no consequences, history will remember him as a piece of shit. Especially once his admirers are all dead from bleach poisoning or riding a bike the wrong way down the highway, maybe, just maybe all discussions of him in history books and documentaries will be of how he was a racist, smooth-brained, walking boner.


Hope springs eternal. If I had a time machine, it wouldnā€™t surprise me that much if future humans thought almost the exact opposite of all of that.

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Hopefully his Wikipedia page sticks. Lots of lol wtf there.

In the 70s? Yeah probably, that was like the golden era of sexual assault.

I have no doubt law enforcement looked the other way, but I highly doubt it was technically legal.

Sure, but the Trumpy lawbros were probably strenuously arguing that it was legal.

Admittedly my world history knowledge, especially as it relates to governments, is not great. But from what I know for most of humanity, civilization has been ruled by strongman authoritarians who rose to power largely through force and birthright. Sure thereā€™s been some sprinklings of enlightenment and democracy here and there, but it seems to always revert towards fascism at some level. How Trump is remembered will likely ebb and flow over time based on whether or not his ideology is in fashion. But there will always be people who look upon men like him favorably. Itā€™s unfortunate.


Itā€™s pretty depressing that we are now far enough removed from World War II that there are people - and Iā€™m not talking about Elon Musk and the neo-Nazis who are intentional about it - who donā€™t understand just how bad Hitler and the Nazis were. Obviously none of us were around for it, but we existed close enough to when it happened that there were plenty of people who could tell us of the horrors and it was fresh enough in peopleā€™s minds that we would ā€œnever forget.ā€

I think for many young people, Hitler is just a mythical figure of sorts and the Holocaust is just a story.

Shitty internet rabbit holes and echo chambers certainly donā€™t help.

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Merchanā€™s reasons for delaying sentencing are good but his conclusion is wrong. Theyā€™re stronger arguments for doing it now rather than after the election. Now itā€™s a little more likely that 250 years from now there will be a hairstyle named after Trump.

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This is all Garlandā€™s fault

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Unless he only gets something like probation*, then the NYT prints the CLOUD IS LIFTED and he gets to claim heā€™s been exonerated bc heā€™s not on Rikers which gives him a boost bc the country is insane.

*ianal and am assuming this is on the table bc Iā€™ve seen law and order


Thatā€™s my question. Were they?